Radio Controlled Aircraft

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Went and did a little flying today, it was nice, but a little breezy for my small aircraft. They take up hardly any space in the ambo, so I don't mind the twitchy behavior.

Points for the Leinie. Have another for me.

I have been into rc aircraft for the past 24 years, and I must say they have come a long way!
jimindenver said:
I was into Rc airplanes for 15 years and was a instructor for most of them. I took a break about ten years ago to get deeper into photography and just never went back. So my basement is full of planes, kits and out dated radios. Sato's and Supretigers were my favorite power plants, the largest a 3 ci twin sato for a giant Pitts I was working on when I took the break. I have a number of ten foot kits waiting for me when I do go back, I know the Beaver was big enough that my head fit in the cabin and I could look through the wind shield. That plane could easily handle a 20 lb payload. I also loved my funflys and a delta wing that could hit 200 mph with a piped ST 46.

Lately I have been waiting to see what will happen with the hobby before I get back into it.  Replacing the radios will be no small sum of cash, I want to make sure I can still fly after I do.

Jim, when you are ready do not feel that you forgot to fly~!!! I had taken a break as well for maybe 10 years and thought I better start off with something simple, bawawa. 
Biggest waste of my money, I had not forgotten one iota of skill. I went right back to 60 size pattern in a week. You will too!

It's a great hobby and for the Dwellers these new electrics are small and clean! no oil to cleanup anymore. Quite~! no noise(minimal) so many more places to fly. 

Lastly for everyone else, tricopters, quadcopters, octocopters, hexacopters are not drones! 
Even though we now have the tech to fly them completely out of site I don't feel that's the correct terminology and as it is if you are flying FPV by FAA standards and AMA you need to have a spotter that can at ALL TIMES visually see the aircraft!

Are those rules being followed? Hell no, and that is why were getting the bad wrap. Anyone can by a full blown copter fitted with HD camera and remote FPV and cause all kind of trouble. 

I still have the trainer i used for instruction, a number of easy slow flyers, several small electrics, Even a para glider. I also fire up the Real flight simulator I used for training. The big Tri folker takes a certain touch to land it, i don't want to lose that.
New skids on the little heli!
I am deep into RC as well. However, it doesn't pack up and travel well in a small van :( I started small, but as things happen, they got bigger and bigger and bigger. Then I got into large Jets with real turbine engines. Gave it all up for 5 or so years as I got burned out after traveling every other weekend all year from event to event. Re-started a few years ago with a T-Rex 450 helicopter, then 600's, then 700's, then electrics, added planes, bigger planes, and bigger. Its like an addiction, you can't just have one, it starts all over again :)

Thinking of selling the larger airplanes and sticking with helicopters only. Much easier to pack, take up less space, I've gotten really good flying them, and they can fly in much smaller spaces.

Here is some of the craziness in my blog;
Some images of my planes and helis

14' wing span Decathlon with DA-150cc twin cylinder gas engine

40% scale Patty Wagstaff Extra 300, 150cc twin cylinder gas engine

T-Rex 600 electric with a MD500 fuselage

Turbine engine in the L39 Albatross 1/5th scale jet
dang upsize once more and you could actually ride in those. very cool. highdesertranger
Those are some sweet models! I worked hard to find aircraft that would fit in the Ambo, but they do take up a lot of room.

Here is my Beaver with the wings removed for transport.


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