Over at tnttt foamies fourm there is someone that is building a foamie trailer that also carries an ev battery pack to extend the range of his ev tow vehicle. In one of the linked videos they suggest it could be used as a battery bank for other uses also. Reminds me of some of the powered trailers we used to see built out of VWs by just mounting the drive train to a trailer with cable/ hydrolic controls to the driver in the tow vehicle. Some of the beach patrols in California used their's with their patrol buggies for on demand 4 wheel drive when needed all you had to do was hitch up the trailer to the vehicle that was stuck. Early electric vehicles did the same thing with VW Rabbits as a gasoline powered backup when the battery died. I would think an ev powered cargo trailer would meet the Volta requirements and be handy when you van gets stuck as well. Better start looking for wrecked Teslas!