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Oct 18, 2016
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Hey Y'ALL, just found an abandoned puppy I've never have had a small puppy like this. I have an adult dog, so I'm familiar with dogs. My question, is there any.of you traveling with as puppy?,  need advice, please help  :rolleyes:
Good on you for helping an abandoned animal. Get some of those training pads and walk him or her often. Get ready for a few 'accidents' but it will be worthwhile. A good quality puppy food and there will be less poop. Good Luck...Rob
I travelled with a puppy (well until he grew up...lol)

At 2 months he needed a rest stop every hour or so. It took forever to get anywhere... :D cause I spent more time looking for someplace to pull over for him ro pee than I did driving I think. :rolleyes:

I had a Class A RV at the time so I bought a babies collapsible playpen for him to travel in and wedged it between the two club chairs in the living area. The last thing I needed was a small puppy playing with my shoelaces (his first new 'trick') while driving down the interstate! It's a good idea to restrain him no matter what you're travelling in, you don't need the distraction of a puppy climbing on you while you're doing 60 (or 80!).

I don't recommend puppy pads, puppy needs to learn to go outside not in your home. Be prepared to get out several times a night for him to go pee. Because we ended up at truck stops and rest areas a lot of the time, I think I just slept in track pants and a sweatshirt for his first couple of months - a pair of slip on shoes and I was good to go!

And yes, the better the brand of puppy food, the less poop and the healthier the puppy.

Start leash training him right away of course and then when you're away from traffic, he can be started on basic commands. One of the most important training, IMO, is not to exit the vehicle until you say so. This will stop any chances of him running out in to traffic at rest stops and truck stops.

If you're interested, there's a wonderful forum specifically for dog owners - dogforum.net I found a lot of help there while dealing with my last 2 dogs. And of course, here, where we understand travelling with dogs more than anywhere else.
I started this journey with an 8 week old puppy. It's not real hard. Older dog will teach him to go outside. You are probably in a small space, he won't want to soil his house. Ivy had less than a handful of pee pee accidents, never pooped in the camper. Do as HDR said, get shots and worming ASAP. You don't want to pass something to older dog.
And yes, the better the brand of puppy food, the less poop and the healthier the puppy.

Thanks for the approval.
Puppies also have a hard time making it through the night without having to go. Be patient.
Thanks for the great responses guys. Not sure of.his age yet, maybe a week.or two old.  I'm REALLY grateful for the collective wisdom on this site! :)
I'm NORMALLY a very gentle and living soul, but.just the thought of those ( forgive the verbage) asshole sons of BITCHES  that left a helpless baby, just threw it.away, to suffer and die, the MARINE in me just wants to kick the Shit out of them!!! I'm done ranting.Any help with how to.Poti train??  My other dog was a rescue who was ALREADY house trained,
Preach said:
Thanks for the great responses guys. Not sure of.his age yet, maybe a week.or two old.  I'm REALLY grateful for the collective wisdom on this site! :)
I'm NORMALLY a very gentle and living soul, but.just the thought of those ( forgive the verbage) asshole sons of BITCHES  that left a helpless baby, just threw it.away, to suffer and die, the MARINE in me just wants to kick the Shit out of them!!! I'm done ranting.Any help with how to.Poti train??  My other dog was a rescue who was ALREADY house trained,

Only a week or two? That pupper needs care maybe beyond what you can do. God, people are such assholes sometimes! Please get the pup to the vet. You'll likely need to bottle-feed, and 4 or more times a day. Geez. Good luck--keep us posted.
Preach, I don't know what you can do at that young age besides feed and keep them clean and warm. Potty training may have to wait a bit until the pup's a little older. Maybe not, there are some trainers on here who will give sound advice. I don't know where you are at but if close to Dallas I will pay the vet bill and help with expenses.

Semper Fidelis. Rob.

My cat was just getting her eyes open when I found her, her mother had been run over. Lots of baby bottle feedings with the help of friends and my Granddaughter. Worth it tho. She's family now.
I just remembered you are in Irving. Your close. PM me and I will give you my number and meet you at my vet. She's in Summerfield's north part of Cowtown.
Dogs don't relate punishment to what they did over 5 minutes ago. If you are going to scold them, you need to catch them in the act. Otherwise they think you flip out over nothing at all and can't be fully trusted. They relate punishment to what they are NOW doing. if it is coming up to you, then they learn it is not a good idea to approach you. It is far better to train with positive reinforcement. When they poop outside, praise or treat.
Gunny, your offer is just so kind, and thank you, but was able to get the puppy to our vet today. He was closed , but came in to see the puppy. I'm just overwelmed with your offer, GUNNY this has begun to restore my faith in humanity!!!! And I'm extremely grateful ;)
What kind of pup? What did the vet say? Is it old enough to start vaccs?

I would confine the little guy, if you can find something reasonably priced that fits in your rig, even a plastic laundry basket. Pups will pee just 3 feet away from where they sleep -- they don't know any better.

Collar or harness and leash. A small cat harness might do, depending on his size. He may not run from you, but he might run from someone/something else.

Train him to relieve himself on command (something like 'hurry up'), and instant praise is an enormous timesaver (esp at night!).

Gunny is right on the quality food. My vet says, "You can pay for good food now, or your can pay me later to fix the problems due to poor nutrition, but one way or another, you're going to pay." Read the labels: the two big no-nos are corn and wheat. The first ingredient should be a named meat (chicken, beef, etc).

And most important of all: WE NEED PICTURES!
My new baby


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Vet says part pit.bull and he thought maybe  Some lab!,' need to feed a special.formu
My new pup ZEUS.... IM THE CUTE ONE.


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