Pretty good pepper spray tutorial

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2016
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I've never used pepper spray, or even held a container of it in my hand, but I can see how it could be very useful when a gun would be overkill (literally).

This popped up on YouTube, so I watched it. Quite instructive on what to do and what not to do.  Note the eyes of the Asian guy at the very end -- he was hit by the foam.  I think I'll get foam.

I'm always looking for things to learn, so does anyone who has used (or received) this stuff have more info to add?
TrainChaser said:
I've never used pepper spray, or even held a container of it in my hand, but I can see how it could be very useful when a gun would be overkill (literally).

This popped up on YouTube, so I watched it. Quite instructive on what to do and what not to do.  Note the eyes of the Asian guy at the very end -- he was hit by the foam.  I think I'll get foam.

I'm always looking for things to learn, so does anyone who has used (or received) this stuff have more info to add?

If you think that its over kill shoot em in the leg , if they dont stop you shoot them again ,,  the wind could blow that pepper spray back into your eyes
I carry a large can of pepper spray with a pistol grip and a two foot club made from an Arizona ash tree, stained with the bark stripped off.
I believe in spraying first and then club em.

I use rifles and guns for hunting.
Hitting someone center mass under stress is hard enough, trying for a leg is harder, and will be viewed by the law in most states the same as shooting center mass
If a gun is called for a center mass shot is called for, if it's not you're going to jail
Some states would nail you for the club, too, sadly
I've used pepper spray, successfully, but there is a high likelihood you may have to do a bit of hand to hand too when you use it
I like the foam with dye in it
Years ago I been told by an old friend that was a city cop, in self defense, shoot to kill, not wound them. Because you may have a lawsuit coming back to you.
I don't know if that still holds today.

I remember years ago, an intruder was breaking into a window of a farm house. The home owner shot the intruder while trying to break in.
He wounded the intruder and had lawsuits coming at him one after another, he lost his farm.
In Texas you have to wait till someone breaks into you home before you can defend yourself.
Mobilesport: "If you think that its over kill shoot em in the leg , if they dont stop you shoot them again ,,  the wind could blow that pepper spray back into your eyes"

People who advise to shoot a perp in the leg usually have never fired a weapon in self defense, IMO.  You're scared, the adrenaline is pumping, your hands are shaking (actually, all of you is shaking and your hands are going along for the ride).  And you want to aim for a leg?????  People advise to aim for dead-center because you're more likely to hit a larger target.  Maybe.  Even trained cops miss a lot or hit the wrong target in the heat of the moment.  And you're not going to get any sleep that night, for one reason or another.

I don't think the foam acts like the liquid spray, from what I see on the videos.  The videos of the cops spraying the perps (w/what appears to be liquid) show them spraying and then moving away.  It would probably help to move into the wind, but that would probably require thinking and experience, too.

Fear/panic don't seem to work well with steady thinking.
gojo said:
Years ago I been told by an old friend that was a city cop, in self defense, shoot to kill, not wound them. Because you may have a lawsuit coming back to you.
I don't know if that still holds today.

I remember years ago, an intruder was breaking into a window of a farm house. The home owner shot the intruder while trying to break in.
He wounded the intruder and had lawsuits coming at him one after another, he lost his farm.
In Texas you have to wait till someone breaks into you home before you can defend yourself.

A cop said that in my State, if you shoot them and they manage to crawl out, you better drag them back in and shoot them again.

And I thought that in Texas, with the "Stand Your Ground" provision of the Castle Doctrine, you don't need to wait nor retreat into your home. You can defend your life and property from the outside.
This website shows the limits of the Castle Doctrine for the states that have it:

PLEASE NOTE the three variations:  

1. Stand Your Ground: No duty to retreat from the situation before resorting to deadly force; not limited to your property (home, office, etc.).

2. Castle Doctrine: Limited to real property, such as your home, yard, or private office; no duty to retreat (use of deadly force against intruders is legal in most situations); some states, like Missouri and Ohio, even include personal vehicles.

3. Duty to Retreat: Must retreat from the situation if you feel threatened (use of deadly force is considered a last resort); may not use deadly force if you are safely inside your home.

You'd better know what the rule is in the state you're in.

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