Porta Potty

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KayakGirl said:
Has anyone used one of those metal frame fold-up things with the toilet seat?  When I bought my van the guy gave me a porta potty, but I am thinking it's taking up too much room.  Seems like it would be really easy to store and not take up much room.

I have one and I really like it. When we are out in the wilds we just dig a shallow hole under it and then cover when we leave. I like it because it is sturdy and comfy and folds flat. Also if my grandkids are with me they are more comfortable using it. Wipe off with antibactirial wipes and stow away.
I'm torn between using my existing port-potty and switching to a 7 gallon bucket with a bag or two in it.
Personally I've never had a problem dumping the bottom tank on my potty, and it doesn't smell even a little, but I can definitely see the advantages to the bucket and it's multiple uses.
I'm going to need a garbage can anyway, along with a good system for washing cloths and dishes, or even washing the van, and the bucket would work great for all of those things when not being pooped into. It would also be nice to just dump the bags into the dumpster at work when I needed.
BigT said:
I'm torn between using my existing port-potty and switching to a 7 gallon bucket with a bag or two in it.  
Personally I've never had a problem dumping the bottom tank on my potty, and it doesn't smell even a little, but I can definitely see the advantages to the bucket and it's multiple uses.
I'm going to need a garbage can anyway, along with a good system for washing cloths and dishes, or even washing the van, and the bucket would work great for all of those things when not being pooped into.  It would also be nice to just dump the bags into the dumpster at work when I needed.

Because you seem to like your existing system, I'm wondering if you could not find other items in your small van to store inside a bucket so that you are not taking up additional space with the multi-purpose bucket. Then you can use your porta potty for its function AND have a bucket for other chores. Is there a reason you'd go for the 7 gallon vs the 5 gallon?

AND, I am curious about if you use a lot of chemicals in your porta potty to keep it from smelling? I don't think I've seen anyone write that there is NO smell, so I'm wondering about your brand of potty and what you use to achieve that?
My potty is the Camco 41541 5.3 Gallon model.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004SFKJIQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00
The product I put in the tank is called "Pot Shot".  It's a non-formaldehyde, biodegradable deodorant designed for buses, portable toilets, RV's, trains and boats.  I found it when I was driving corporate coaches/buses for Apple.  

Personally I don't think I really need it for odor control.  The sealed, sliding valve on the holding tank doesn't leak a drop or let even a tiny amount of smell out of the tank when it's closed.  The product is said to be "Equipment Safe", and so far it hasn't eroded the seal at all.  I don't use very much of it though, given my holding tank is nowhere near the size of that found on a train or bus.  

Interior room is almost nonexistent inside the TC, so the toilet sits right next to the bed.  When I'm watching movies, and facing the other way on the bed, the potty is right next to my arm.  I actually use it as a table to put my snacks and tea/cocoa on while I'm watching a DVD, and I don't smell a thing..  not even the deodorant.  Still, having to remove the top tank and dump the smelly, stinky mix of poop and water into a flush toilet or dump station, isn't something I look forward to.  

My reason for considering the bucket design is because of the limited room inside the van.  If I use both the bucket and a potty, I'm using up the already limited room I have to work with just storing the both of them.  If, on the other hand, I used just the bucket, I'd have more room for other things, like my feet.  
As for why I mention the 7 gallon design...  I'm 6'4" and find a 5 gallon bucket to be too short for my long legs and often sore lower back (I'm going to be 50 next week).  ;)  I know I could add legs or a block of wood under a smaller bucket, but that would just be more "stuff" to carry around.  


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