Porta Potty

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2014
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Sometimes I can't get to a bathroom fast enough
I need a small porta potty to fit in my minivn for emergencies

any suggestions on that?
Thetford. I have a 5 gal capacity one I picked up at Wal-Mart a coupla years ago. Had the same model previously, yet again from Wal-Mart, that I'd used for near a decade. Have tried others, but the Campa potti XG has been the best. ..Willy.
A Five Gallon Bucket is way to big
I need something small that I can seal up until I get to the bathroom
You can get other sized buckets besides 5 gallon. I think they have 3 gallon buckets at Home Depot. If you dont mind hovering an ice cream bucket might work. For peeing a bleach bottle or better yet liquid laundry soap bottle works great as the urine smell is masked by the soap.
A five gallon bucket is a valuable product for a van life. We should compose poems and sing its praise. Upside down it makes a stool, with soap and water it is a washing machine. It can haul water from the stream to douse the fire. It holds the wash basin off the floor to wash your groin. Last but not least, lined with plastic bags it makes a commode. The bag is closed and stored as trash, the bucket goes back to being a storage bin for dirty undies or to keep the mice from my Cheerios.
I have the exact same model as Willy. It's comfortable to use, easy to dump, and easy to clean. I don't go camping without it!
The 5 gallon bucket is multi-purpose you can do lots of things with it not just one. Rather than store up all the nasty stuff you seal it up in the garbage bag until you dispose of it, which in a city would be the next morning.

It's not for everyone, but it has many advantages, and other than being so abnormal, I don't think it has any disadvantages.
akrvbob said:
Rather than store up all the nasty stuff you seal it up in the garbage bag until you dispose of it, which in a city would be the next morning.

Bob, how many garbage bags do you go through in a year this way? What kind do you buy? Doesn't it get expensive?
I've had truck driver friends tell me they used those laundry soap buckets, they are not as tall as a 5 gallon bucket or some brands of kitty litter is sold in buckets they should work also. And having kitty litter on hand in snow country is good when you can't get traction on ice, it works great for that.
I average a bag a day, Walmart tall kitchen bags work great and cost about $6.50 for 80 bags. It might cost $35 a year.

Less than $3 a month. I can afford that for the huge convenience it gives me.
I just gotta ask......I can see if your in the city that dumpsters are everywhere....but if you're going to be in 1 location for 2+weeks, do you just save all those used (filled) bags ?
Yeah, I just hold onto them until I'm in town next that's usually once a week or more often. It hasn't been a problem for me. I store it away from camp so I can't smell it. Some people use a deodorant like kitty litter to reduce the smell getting through the bags, but I just put it in a metal can it can't get through.
Don't recall if I got it at Wally's or Tractor Supply, but I have a galvanized steel 'trashcan' in the handy five gallon size - great for stowing stinky items.
Has anyone used one of those metal frame fold-up things with the toilet seat? When I bought my van the guy gave me a porta potty, but I am thinking it's taking up too much room. Seems like it would be really easy to store and not take up much room.
KayakGirl said:
Has anyone used one of those metal frame fold-up things with the toilet seat?  When I bought my van the guy gave me a porta potty, but I am thinking it's taking up too much room.  Seems like it would be really easy to store and not take up much room.

I don't think mine folds up, but I use it for many things.  Add a cushion, and it is an extra seat, sometimes I use it as a foot stool, sometimes a laptop stand, even used it as a camp stove stand, and a TV stand.

I have a separate shelf that I put across the arms as needed too.  Makes for a great multi purpose item.  Nice shower seat too.