Polygamy and polyandry and other mixes

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I had the terms polygamy and polygyny conflated in my head, but otherwise Seraphim has left me with nothing to to add, well said.
"It's too complicated " is legitimate reason for society not officially recognizing polygomy and polyandry, even tho no legitimate moral reason exists. They would disrupt a whole fabric of laws and regulations regarding marital rights/obligations /benefits in a way that gay martiage, which only adds another potential pairing, does not do. Unless society is pushed by demand - which seems to exist mainly in male imaginations - or is pushed by the courts, it is unlikely to happen.
gcal said:
"It's too complicated " is legitimate reason for society not officially recognizing polygomy and polyandry, even tho no legitimate moral reason exists. They would disrupt a whole fabric of laws and regulations regarding marital rights/obligations /benefits in a way that gay martiage, which only adds another potential pairing, does not do. Unless society is pushed by demand - which seems to exist mainly in male imaginations - or is pushed by the courts, it is unlikely to happen.
I could definitely see it happening if enough men want it, it's not "icky" like the whole gay thing, it's easy to find biblical support, and they'd get to have more sexual partners WITH societal backing.
*shakes head* I guess if people really want to believe polygamy is all about men building harems no amount of reality will dislodge them.
If an intersexed neutrois, a transman, and a two spirit enter a poly marriage how many men married how many women?
It's not just about the men, Queen. I doubt if many women are going to go along with it.
Men still carry the political clout to make it happen if they choose, whether or not they find women to marry is a different thing. Women don't have enough political clout right now. Not speaking morally, ethically, or biologically.

Shaking my head at JC's condescension.
Agreed, the first post was a frustrated reflex that didn’t need said.
We'll see what happens. I know several widows, 2 of whom supported their high earning hubbies thru college, who spent years raising the kids and keeping the house, who were only kept from plunging into poverty by inheriting their husband's s retirement account and having survivor's benefits on hubby's pension and social security. I can't imagine any woman being dumb enough to willingly give up that security. Nor can I imagine them wanting to be tied by economic necessity to living with other women of hubby's choosing.
I can't imagine it either, gcal, but people do things every day that I can't wrap my head around.