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Snow Gypsy said:
She said she was getting food stamps.
I must have missed that.  So many people replying I can't keep up!
Hi Everyone
i just want to Thank you all for your your AWESOME ADVICE
Thank you so much , i do not know what i would ever do without
you guys .
You are the FAMILY that i never had
Thank you
Your Friend
[email protected]
Pat Schuerman said:
Hi DLTooley
That is where i am right now ( Negative Thoughts )
I was there early 2013. I remember the Mission. The other was south several blocks. 

Fwiw poverty is a respectful price negotiation strategy, within limits. It will workout but it takes time. The advice on buying a short time beater is worth considering but I'd look at something closer to your resource limit with SSI.
Hi Everyone
I am saddened to write this post
as some of you know that i am being evicted
i am in very deep depression right now , dont
know when or if i will ever come out of it
with that being said
whoever would like to still like to reach me
please reach me at
[email protected]
Thank you so much for all of your Friendships
you will never know how much each and everyone of
your Friendships means to me
You all will always have a Special Place in my heart
i will always be thinking of you guys
i will miss you all
Happy and Safe Travels to you all
May the Sun be always in front of you and may the Wind always behind you
Your Friend
[email protected]
Well Pat I do hope things work out for you some how. 

Surely you aren't being evicted because you paid your rent one day late?  You said the late fee was $11,  I sure hope you had it. 

 Here in the HUD complex where I live they will make payment arrangements for unexpected fees or repairs that the tenant caused, like knocking holes in walls and doors.  In seven years I've only needed to pay my rent...lucky me I guess.

Good Luck

She says that she is being evicted for smoking yet at the same time speaks about an $11 fee for being late with rent. My guess is that the smoking is the biggest issue with the apartment as I would think one of the charitable organizations would have helped with the $11.00. The smoking has contributed to both the severity of her condition (per the video) and her eviction. I know that here in KS, one can ask for some limited cash assistance from SSI if they have an emergency, but she would need to check on that in AZ. AZ is very generous compared to KS when it comes to benefits.

She has said that she was in one of the shelters previously, so I suspect she knows "the ropes".

Many here have difficulties financing their dream of getting on the road, are caregivers that delay their dreams or have other types of issues. Takes time and effort to get there.

I wish the OP luck in pursuing her dream. Maybe developing an income stream might be the way to go as that would assist with the financial end to begin with and then help cover expenses on the road.
Snow Gypsy,
I am wondering if it's something even more. If she smokes an estimated pack a day (about $233) and pays $500 rent, that income just doesn't add up to what she's receiving from SSI of $735. We do have to buy other things like toilet paper, dish soap, laundry detergent, personal care items, etc. Something just seems...I just don't think we've got the full story. I hope I'm wrong and she goes for all the gracious help everyone provided. BTW, I COMPLETELY understand how hard it is to quit smoking. I did it 3 times. The last time was in 2001. I don't even think about them and I despise them now. If anyone out there smokes and hates me for what I said about quitting, my mother died from lung cancer when I was 34. (Dad died when I was a kid.) I just said it because I know what smoking does and she's already VERY unhealthy. She needs a health intervention, but she is in control of her own life. It's sad what people do to themselves. No one's perfect, and we all have our vices, but there are limits when you are facing homelessness and very ill health already. If she's smart, she'll take everyone's advice and pull herself up by her own bootstraps so she can be stronger, healthier, and live her dream. I wish her the best...
^^ All of the above. ^^
Plus, quitting smoking is like giving yourself added income. That $233. goes a long ways when you are on a limited income. Continued smoking whacks that $735. down to $500. At this point you will have to resort to drastic measures, and quitting smoking will be one of them.
I wish you good luck with your decision.
Thread closed.

I'm not comfortable with people discussing another person in the 3rd person.
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