Planing stage with some worries.

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Oct 23, 2012
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I'm still in the planing phase but I'm there are some thing's I'm worried about.<br /><br />The biggest is if the best van buy I find has windows in the back how can I replace them or black them out on the cheep? Curtains just scream van-dweller and the real problem is that they would still have to look professionally done for stealth. I've been thinking magnetic pads though they probably wouldn't look much better then curtains to onlookers.<br /><br />My next concern is my size, I'm 6'3" with wide shoulders.Think football star sized. I'd love more input from bigger people on comfortably living in a van.<br /><br />The last thing is how do you find out legal information about what you can and can't do in an area without giving away that you are living in a van and making yourself a target?
Cheapest method, spray paint window black from inside. &nbsp;Other methods are black painted cardboard which fit tight within the windows. &nbsp;Either of these methods still radiate huge amounts of heat to the interior, and a layer of reflectix and curtains help keep the interior cooler in direct sun.<br /><br />At 6'3" your bed should run front to back instead of side to side, and this of course effects the whole &nbsp;interior layout.
I'd think regular spray paint would send flags too but probably a lot less then most any other option.<br /><br />Feel pretty stupid I never took the time to think of front to back since I started looking at van-dwelling. Thanks for the idea, have a whole new set of layouts to think about.
Go to Auto Zone and get some cheap Limo Tint. It comes on a roll. Install it on windows,THEN put the painted cardboard on.Finish with Reflectix on inside. I am 6'6" 280lbs. and front to back is the only option I have found so far. GOOD LUCK!!
I second the limo tint- even walmart carries it.. I don't find that the reflexit shows that much through the tint if it is velcroed&nbsp; to the face of the doors, leaving an inch or so space to the glass.<br />Yup, anyone over 5'10" is probably going to want to sleep either diagonally or down the drivers side.<br />Carpet/runners or thick foam pads will help keep your knees happy....<br />Enjoy the process
wrcsixeight said:
At 6'3" your bed should run front to back instead of side to side, and this of course effects the whole interior layout.
<br /><br />When I start setting up my van I'm also faced with the same decision when it comes to the placement of my bed.<br /><br />I can't really estimate where I'll be placing my bed until I'm through insulating the van. I'm 5'10" so I want to sleep comfortably and a bed along the back door of the van sounds a bit restrictive. Sleeping diagonally just doesn't sound overly comfortable so I'll most likely build some type of frame on the driver's side of the van. I've seen some beds set up which were horizontal to the back door. That looks to be a little too tight for comfort. Even diagonlally that will be asking a lot of me.
I am 5' 10 1/2" and my bed in in the back, side to side. &nbsp;But I have minimal insulation on my walls, so there is about 6'4" wall to wall, window to window. <br /><br />&nbsp;I still sleep diagonal often as I am a frequent stomach sleeper.<br /><br />I have spray painted one section of my conversion van window black. &nbsp;It looks way better than my factory tinted windows with reflectix in them.<br /><br />I've put in a large cardboard request with my neighbors, but have thought about purchasing black posterboard in large enough sizes so there are no creases, and no paint smell when they get superhot at low sun angles in the summer.<br /><br />I think the front to back beds which lift up into a couch along the driver's side are called Gaucho beds, and such a search term might yield pictures for ideas.
look on ebay for vinyl vehicle wrap. It comes in various widths and colors and isn't terribly expensive if you are just buying it for windows. the drawback is you will not be able to see out either.&nbsp;I have used it on my work trucks for years.
There is also window tint that has a mirror finish.
If you cover it well, you cant even tell it's spray painted.. used to work in a Mall doing&nbsp;maintenance&nbsp; &nbsp;when a store was empty, we would use a roller and paint the windows black from the inside.. with the glass surface, it covered well and would just make it an uniform color coat.<br /><br />
BrianBear said:
I'd think regular spray paint would send flags too but probably a lot less then most any other option.<br /><br />Feel pretty stupid I never took the time to think of front to back since I started looking at van-dwelling. Thanks for the idea, have a whole new set of layouts to think about.
<p>I'd be running into a similar problem at 6feet tall and broad shoulders. My plan was to find an Astro van or something similar and run the bed down the opposite side to the door, and then have a small end table to the left of the bed with some basic needs: fridge, hot plate, shelves, etc...<br />Maybe take advantage of space under the bed for storage. Or something mounted on the ceiling if&nbsp;the contents&nbsp;weren't too heavy.</p>
&nbsp; The next time you are at Walmart or any other large parking lot look around very carefully and chances are you might spot another Vandweller. When you spot one take a look at his set up. What did he do so that you didn't spot him before? Why did you spot him now? Any place you have in mind for your stealth parking is where others may be. Of course campgrounds would be a good place. <br />&nbsp; Also don't discount the chance that you might find a van that has already been set up for camping. Sometimes they are even cheaper because of the modifications that were done. Not a lot of people want a van with blacked out windows and no rear seats. <br />&nbsp;-Bill-
dark tint makes black curtains or just about anything invisible/normal looking <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
crazybill said:
&nbsp; The next time you are at Walmart or any other large parking lot look around very carefully and chances are you might spot another Vandweller. When you spot one take a look at his set up. What did he do so that you didn't spot him before? Why did you spot him now? Any place you have in mind for your stealth parking is where others may be.
<br />I have thought about this many times. I'm always looking. I've noted one that is always parked at a fast food restaurant. This one is always there early in the morning parked just outside of view from the main window. I'm pretty sure it doesn't belong to one of the employees. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" /> <br />-Bruce
There are many conversion van that have curtains and I personally have never thought twice about whether some one was living in them. That being said I agree with the limo film idea, I would still add curtains if it was me as if you have light on inside at night you can see in some of the films. Also when thinking curtains if you cannot sew you can get some hemming bond at all craft stores or walmarts that have craft sections. I like to buy the larger rolls that I can cut to fit my needs it is much less expensive that way. Then add 2inches to top and bottom of your needed size cut the width 1 1/2 times as wide as you need and use the bonding fabric after you fold to what size you need to hem and iron the edges it will look like you have made them on sewing machine or spent alot of money to have it done. This will also deter people from trying to see in and give you a little more insulation from cold or heat.
I heard someone cut cardboard to shape of window and covered it with a black trash bag, held down by duct tape.
Grandma said:
I heard someone cut cardboard to shape of window and covered it with a black trash bag, held down by duct tape.
<br />Now "there's" an interesting idea. I'd like to see the finished product. <br />-Bruce
I like windows. I like to see whats going on around my van and I like to see the view when I'm traveling and or out of the city. Here is what I did and it's been working great for over a year. Also I have done many tests day and night on what you can actually see from the outside of my van. I tinted my windows as dark as I legally could, which is pretty dark. In the daytime you cant see in. Period. One time I had a guy leaning on the side of my van right on the window while I was eating breakfast(and I had the TV on too!). I've had kids climb up the ladder on the back of my van with me inside. The problem you run into is if you have lights on inside the van at night. I made what I call "blackout curtains". I found a drape material that has the two parts fused together(the decorative part and the part that blocks light). It's not super common but it does exist. Then I dyed the white part black using automotive fabric dye that comes in a rattle can. Then I hot glued metal squares around the window. They are cabinet door strikes that I bought at Home Depot for like 86 cents a piece. Then got some neyodinium magnets from the craft store. Neyo magnets are the strongest magnets available and have no problem holding the curtains up. I keep them rolled up in the back and put them up at night. I have turned on every light in my van and walked around it at night and you see no light at all. Just looks like tinted windows. Oh ya I made a curtain that separates the cab from the rear out of the same stuff and is also held by magnets. At night it just looks like a dark van, you can't tell it is a curtain, and thats knowing that it is when you look at it. Ive been meaning to post some pics on my thread, I'll do it soon.
Vanimal, Looking forward to seeing your photos. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" /> <br />-Bruce
I have a 15 passenger van. Lots of windows down the side. I permanently covered up almost all of them. At first I had the styrofoam sheet insulation with black garbage bags wrapped around them. It really wasn't too bad, I drove around with it like that for a few weeks before I decided the ripples in the bag was way too noticeable for me in certain sunlight conditions. In the end I went with the obvious answer of simply spray painting the styrofoam flat black with economy spray paint from Lowes. Spray paint is supposed to eat sytrofoam which is why I avoided that method for so long, but I tested a small piece and it was fine. Looks great now, from the outside you can't see anything but a tinted window (windows were already factory tinted).