Pirate Camp....a build opportunity

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$45.00, and well worth it in the service of healing my poor back. The company is All Pro. Their current schedule for La Posa is Thursdays. Celeste at All Pro told me to let my neighbors know to call them if they want service. They cannot add stops casually while here.
I was hesitant to build my little trailer set up using a couple 55 gallon drums but it sure makes for less trips and has worked well but cost more than I thought it would. If you make a business out of it there are permits/license and insurance/bonds that are required that means at $45 your probably averaging $25 or $30 an hour and praying the knife valve works and the hose don’t come off! You need a way to haul portable water as well as a blue boy neither of which is cheap. I usually dump/fill once every 10 days so $135 a month, yeah the little trailer is looking better all the time. You guys should consider getting a group together to make a community trailer since you do extended stays. If you do and need help building one or a place to store it let me know, I can maybe help out.
highdesertranger said:
45 bucks for one RV,  yikes.  highdesertranger
That's what I thought, too - until I hurt my back trying to wrangle my little 15 gallon blue boy into the back of my Tahoe. The next time, I only filled it half way, which means super frequent dumping, but it was too late. My back was already toast and even that was too much for it. So now I think 45 bucks is a bargain.
Cammalu said:
Very funny Jim lol.

Doug called and told me there isn’t anyone in camp. Hope someone gets there and saves It.

Maki. Are you going to be camping with us in your beautiful camper?
Camping just before the end of the pavement. Turn in opposite the voluteer office site. You can see my beautiful trailer in the distance from the main road if you look over that way. 

I have to go to tne post office most days so I figured I had better camp closer to the highway than the YARC camp. But my Honda Element will take me to YARC for visits and of course you can stop for a visit when you get water, take out the trash, etc.

Looking forward to meeting everyone. 

I know there are pirates lurking around here somewhere.  A group just pulled in and set up camp right next to me and have run up two pirate flags. But they don't look like they are blood thirsty or disreputable so it can't possibly  be them can it? That would be too much of a coincidence for my luck.
abnorm said:
^^ I guess John continues to haul the BLUE BOY..................

It’s in Beth’s storage. Dunno how we will get it yet as she won’t be here in Q this winter.

But yeah, the blueboy is a really good thing to have.
Take a pic Maki. Maybe we will recognize the pirates?!
I didn't get out to YARC camp today but if it's empty it's since Tuesday that it has become so. Dan and Lillie were there then and the trailer was there.
As posted on the Camping in Quartzsite thread, YARC camp is empty.
Looks like we will be leaving here on Sunday. Jim Is Max allowed to play with my Sam? She knows no strangers - dogs or people. There is no getting to know another dog first. No sniffing, no nothing. She just charges in ready to play. Seems I remember your Max was the same.
^IF you're driving I guess we'll see you just before Christmas ?..........or ARTURO ?.....Wednesday maybe...............

Thanks Morefun..........we're in Q now.....check in sometime.......
The new Solar camp appears to be infected with YARC, Mask are required.

Max plays with everyone as long as they are not aggressive.
Where is Solar camp?  I want to play with Max!  I am not aggressive....with dogs, cats, children or women. Or even with men ever since I was neutered 5 years ago :p
I guess I will wander around over yonder and see if I can spot solar camp.
Ah that makes it easier, I was wandering around out there looking for pirate treasure without a map. But I did locate where a few people I know of are located so not a wasted treasure hunt. I did go as far back as YARC camp and it now has an occupant.
Turkey coma is over .......time to catch back up with Pirate Camp.......This was part of the Pahrump edition.

Carol has a Ford Transit van.....built-out  by many different individuals at different times....No one was responsible for the whole picture

The Solar and electrical was installed on the Bulkhead........Later a kitchen counter was built around the components... notched around the wires.....fuse box and solar controller in the 'Spatter-Zone"......The GOAL....clean up the wiring and gain wall space in the kitchen


Here's the Kitchen/countertop and bulkhead................Notice the AGM battery connections are exposed


We determined all of the equipment would fit UNDER the counter ......Here the "kitchen" is removed to allow full access to the wiring

All of the Primary wiring was long enough to relocate........Tight connections....securely fastened in-place..........Much of the lighting circuits to the fuse panel needed extending.......BUTT splices to the rescue 


And finally.........replace the Kitchen and secure the Batteries from damage behind a front cover and lid....Those hanging wires get tie-wrapped out of sight.....

We reprogrammed the controller and waited for the Solar to recharge the AGM batteries........Back to HAPPY !


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