Pilot Relief Tube

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Sep 8, 2016
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This tread should automatically get me into some club...........

As an old man with an enlarged prostrate I have frequent sudden urges to urinate.........I've always kept a plastic cup under the drivers seat for those moments.........With the thought of being on the road full time I've been rethinking my options

My solution is a shop vac hose attached to the grey (now yellow) water tank located under the van......and a small "funnel" attached the other end of the hose..........positioned near the drivers seat..........In use..........pull over........scoot forward......discreetly Pee into the funnel/tube........a quick spray of alcohol/water to keep things clean and replace it onto it's "dock"

Well in testing it works so well I've decided to use it as a full time urinal inside the van also..........I'll locate the dock so it's easily reached and used from inside the van as well as from the drivers seat 

Let's see what it looks like: 


The funnel is a small wide-mouthed plastic bottle (Smuckers Ice Cream Topping) with the cap epoxied to the hose and the cut bottle funnel screwed into the cap


I used a dremel type sanding cylinder to shape a hole in the plastic cap........JB Weld was the epoxy of choice

UrnialTube and Dock.jpg

The vac hose showed some small pinholes so I coated it with some spray Flex Seal...........the dock is a short length of dowel that the hose fits over

Alto this was designed and tested as a manly device I'm certain my wife would have had success using it...............YMMV    doug


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its called a pitiot relief tube, at least i think thats how its spelled,DANGERDANGERDANGER WILL ROBINSON,,,,,DO NOT USE when surround by MONGOL WARRIOR motorcycle gang while going down a country road admiring the pretty leaves could result in a few" bumps and bruises".
caretaker said:
its called a pitiot relief tube, at least i think thats how its spelled,DANGERDANGERDANGER WILL ROBINSON,,,,,DO NOT USE when surround by MONGOL WARRIOR motorcycle gang while going down a country road admiring the pretty leaves could result in a few" bumps and bruises".

lol....youre confusing the pitot tube with a pilot relief tube...

And lets hope the airline captain flying a plane we are on doesn't make that mistake!

And yes, please, no spraying of the local bikers.

The pull over step is a good idea.  For good measure you probably shouldn't be texting while doing this or while driving either.
Please don't pee on the road or parking lot. It'll only cause trouble for EVERYONE.

That is pretty similar to the system that astronauts use, except their tank then empties out into the vacuum of space.

Each astronaut has his or her personal detachable funnel for their own exclusive use.
I've heard old trucker tails about truckers using a can and emptying out the window while watching cars following turning on windshield wipers, it seems to me slipstreams kind of adhere to the side of said truck, so it stands to reason they would have just "watered" the side of his own truck.
lenny flank said:
That is pretty similar to the system that astronauts use, except their tank then empties out into the vacuum of space.

Each astronaut has his or her personal detachable funnel for their own exclusive use.

At least on the ISS they recycle it and then its used for drinking water.

Ah...the 'perks' of living in space...

caretaker said:
I've heard old trucker tails about truckers using a can and emptying out the window while watching cars following turning on windshield wipers, it seems to me slipstreams kind of adhere to the side of said truck, so it stands to reason they would have just "watered" the side of his own truck.

Well..I guess its happened...but you would have to dump a LOT of fluid out the window for it to reach the windshield of the car thats presumably at a normal following distance.

Of course, if a 4-wheeler is following too close, at night, with their high-beams on, blinding the truck driver....who knows what might happen...

:huh: Silly Me...I thought this thread was about a pilot light issue on various types of RV propane equipment :D

What's sad is all along most highways are bottles 1/3rd to 1/2 full of yellowed liquids that have been tossed out of windows... Guess the truckers or whomever think our country is there to be trashed...  :(
Lenny said......... "That is pretty similar to the system that astronauts use....."

..........the original inspiration for mine.......except NO recycling!

and Yes.......I wanted to avoid leaving deposits on the roads

Thanks .............doug
This world isn said:
What's sad is all along most highways are bottles 1/3rd to 1/2 full of yellowed liquids that have been tossed out of windows... Guess the truckers or whomever think our country is there to be trashed...  :(

Yes....much better to use zip-lock bags that burst on impact...

abnorm said:
..........the original inspiration for mine.......except NO recycling!

Think of it this way: know how many fish live in the reservoir where we get our drinking water?

Know where all those fish poop?

Back in the 80s a team driving a crosscountry rally (red ball, IIRC) drove a 930 turbo. They only stopped for fuel, having food delivered to the gas station they would stop at. Pilot and copilot both had relief tubes that ran through the floorboards. I think they were using condom catheters.
ThisWorld...:  "What's sad is all along most highways are bottles 1/3rd to 1/2 full of yellowed liquids that have been tossed out of windows... Guess the truckers or whomever think our country is there to be trashed...  Sad"

When I traveled in the 'olde dayes', I rarely saw those, but they certainly are common now.  The driving of those rigs has also changed, and not for the better, either.

LennyFlank: "Think of it this way: know how many fish live in the reservoir where we get our drinking water?  Know where all those fish poop?"

All of the drinking water from reservoirs go through a treatment process before it is sent to our taps.  See http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/l...your-water-from-source-to-tap-and-back-again/

What I find amusing is the great number of people who refuse to drink rainwater (collected on a clean surface and into a clean container), which is said to be about twenty times cleaner than ANY ground water.  America, land of the fearful.
Well, rain is just distilled water. No different than the astronauts drinking their own distilled pee.
