Passenger or cargo

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Jan 19, 2020
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Greetings all,

I need help! I’m in the market for a van but I can’t decide on a cargo or passenger van. It will be my daily driver and for camping, weekend trips and vacations. Any suggestions?
To window or not to window.  

Passenger tends to have more creature comforts. Cargo tend to be stripped down version. 

Look at both with the thought of how you will make it live able.
Perhaps the best value you find first. Stealth and privacy are good reasons to go with a cargo, windows can make for a better living space. You will need to remove the seats and it may be harder to convert.
If stealth camping in the city is a concern, then maybe a cargo van is your best bet. If you plan to travel the country seeing the sights, then maybe a window van would be a better choice. Either one of them will need to be insulated, and the windows covered with at least reflectix. But on a window van, you can remove some coverings to get a good view when parked, and have more visibility while driving.

I would pick a window van, and cover the windows with reflectix/blackout curtains, but be able to open them all up to get sunshine on a cold day. I don't think my mental health would thrive in a windowless cargo van.
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Don't worry so much. You can put windows into a cargo van and you can cover over windows in a passenger van. Focus on the best mechanical condition and price.

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