Open container Law?

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James AKA Lynx

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
A van is not an RV. Per my understanding the laws are different. If your van is not an RV, How to you transport open containers of drinking alcohol?
 Well, depending on how it's outfitted, here in BC it can be classified as a motorhome. ..Willy.
I just don't drink myself and haven't had any problems with open containers for over 20 years. Now, if you need to transport a leafy controlled substance, carry only as much as you can swallow quickly, without choking yourself, and then never pull over till you've finished your"snack".
I do a few things;<br><br>1) Don't transport any *open* containers. Drink them, and then toss them. Closed/Sealed containers are perfectly legal.<br>2) Remove the keys from the ignition when drinking in the rear. In some states, even if the keys are in the ignition you are considered "driving" even if the motor is off. You may want to remove them from yourself too... as your physical possession of the keys may also be considered "driving" to some police. Go hang them up in the van.<br>3) NEVER give permission to the police to search your vehicle. In fact, outright (but peacefully) disallow it even if they do begin to search. Say nothing more until a lawyer is present.<br><br>Contact your DMV and Insurance companies. Ask them how to classify your vehicle as an 'RV' instead of a 'car/van'. If they classify it as an RV, then so must the police. Doing a quick google search I hear that your van must have a bed, a galley, and a bathroom and you can re-classify it as an RV, but you are best to check with your own state's DMV.
just carry a bunch of those individual serving bottles of liquor (like on airplanes and hotel rooms).<br>
If I'm drinkin in the van and I'm not at a campground, I usually pour it into a different container like a fast food cup. &nbsp;For transporting liquor you can pour it into an old soda or juice bottle. &nbsp;It doesn't make it legal, but you'd have &nbsp;to give a cop a pretty good reason to dig through all your groceries and smell them.
"For transporting liquor you can pour it into an old soda or juice bottle." YOU SHOULD NEVER BE DRINKING AND DRIVING!!!
Yeah, thats why i said "transporting". &nbsp;Give me some credit...