One year

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May 9, 2016
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Today, a year ago, my 57 yo brother, and only sib, passed after a courageous WAR w/Pancreatic cancer.  
Toay, I've lit some candles in the periphery of a few of his personal items and am reflecting.

Bob's Vandwelling YTube video was perhaps the last video my brother literally watched on this earth.  Kinda profound.  What if you made a video and knew that whatever message it sent, would be the last video someone would see.
You see, my brother, like many of us, worked his ass off his entire life.   He experienced very brief "escapes" from the daily grind of the rat race, to the Smoky Mtns. where he stayed in his 30 yo Fleetwood while renovating a old cabin where he had hoped to live one day in peace.  He'd pull his trailer, which was stored at a campground, and stay there overnight on the long drive to the Mts.   He would try to make the trip twice a year so progress was slow.  He would travel there with his girlfriend until she got cancer and passed about two years prior.

So, when he got sick, he and I would talk seriously about him giving notice at his workplace, selling his house and traveling part time while living in the Mtns where he was happy. 
I found Bob's video and we watched it together.  His spirit brightened. Next thing I know, I hear him telling a friend of his on the phone about the video!

Unfortunately, there wasn't much time to do much of anything.   Pancreatic cancer is fiercely aggressive. 
A few days before his passing, he whispered to me re: hitting the road, "Take me with you."
I promised him I would.
I will do my best to fulfill the promise and know that he will be in my heart during my travel journey's ahead.

So, the message I would like to share today is that I am making the necessary changes to LIVE LIFE and encourage all those sitting on the fence to go for it!  Between my brother and my father who passed unexpectedly at age 62, it is imperative to be mindful of one's choices and not let fear, external expectations, guilt, fill in the blank, consume us.
Bob may never know all the lives this site affects.  Albeit brief, it gave my brother a glimmer of light in his darkness.  It gave him a ray of hope in a hopeless situation.
For me, a solo empty nester, it provides a network or "tribe" as Bob would say. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you got this far.
RIP Road Hog
Love you bro
Peace, that was a beautiful tribute.
You and your brother are lucky to have each other.Notice I used the present tense. Clearly, he's close.

I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine losing one of my siblings.

your sharing of his hopes and dreams insures he'll live on

"Touch me...
and I shall touch another.
And if any others feel my touch
It was your touch that took me to eternity
And if that touch is strong enough
we will never be the same, ever again.
Whether we walk together, or apart." ~Anonymous

Thank you for sharing your brother with us
That was a post I'll remember for a long time. Best wishes to you.
Your brother lives on! Bob has touched many lives, and empowered many to just do it. Your words of advice strike a chord with me deeper than you can imagine, fear holds us back too often. We all need to be warriors. I watched my grandfather die from pancreatic cancer and it was quick and so unfair. I hope you live your dream whatever it is. Peace. -shad.
I believe that his request for you to take him with you meant that his spirit was ready to "hit the road." His moment of passing was probably more peaceful than many as his spirit was ready to see what was around, "the next bend." I have been present when several people have made that final step. Some were panicked and some were peaceful. I bet your brother made that step with excitement in his heart and a new adventure ready to be experienced. 

We never know when our time comes. It may be in years, it may be in minutes. That's why it is imperative that we live and not wait.
Peace, my grandfather whom I was very close with passed from pancreatic cancer. He came up from Florida for Christmas ,not feeling well. Seeked medical attention and passed on Jan 15th. I watched him waste away from a healthy person to nothing in the month that he was here. I now have a friend I work with that has stage four lung cancer and I see that same look that my grandfather had so many years ago. This guy is only 54 or so. Didn't get a chance to retire and enjoy his well deserved retirement. I guess my point is , if you can get off the hampster wheel,do it asap.