One person quick, healthy meals with easy clean up.

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Haha....if you here I would roll you a soft taco....I just made dinner...I forgot to mention aguacates! They are one of my favorite items and in Mexico I have bought them for as little as a $1.50 a kilo. Since my town is pretty Hispanic, the local store usually has good ripe and cheap Mexican avocados...and tomatoes....<br /><br />So, a third pound of 90/10 local ground beef, cooked with onions, garlic, jalape&ntilde;os and red chile powder, cumin and some more garlic powder....<br /><br />Wrapped in a fresh flour tortilla, with some lowfat sour cream, grated cheese, tomatoes, avocado...damn, doesn't get much better than that...<br /><br />It makes two and I just finished. Yum...<br />Bri
bk2valve said:
Haha....if you here I would roll you a soft taco....I just made dinner...I forgot to mention aguacates! They are one of my favorite items and in Mexico I have bought them for as little as a $1.50 a kilo. Since my town is pretty Hispanic, the local store usually has good ripe and cheap Mexican avocados...and tomatoes....<br /><br />So, a third pound of 90/10 local ground beef, cooked with onions, garlic, jalape&ntilde;os and red chile powder, cumin and some more garlic powder....<br /><br />Wrapped in a fresh flour tortilla, with some lowfat sour cream, grated cheese, tomatoes, avocado...damn, doesn't get much better than that...<br /><br />It makes two and I just finished. Yum...<br />Bri
<br /><br />Now I will have to make chicken taco's for tomorrows dinner! man that was mean Bri!....(9:30 at night and I will try to stop drooling!) I like&nbsp;avocado's&nbsp;and it's one of those foods I like to experiment with!<br /><br />I am not into food so hot I can't feel my lips for a week but I do like flavorful food.<br /><br />Taco's it's what's for dinner! low fat sour cream with&nbsp;avocado's&nbsp;geez!
Thanks everyone for your wisdom, humor and thoughtful&nbsp;insight. I've been doing&nbsp;basically&nbsp;as Bri does and this works out pretty good for my situation. I do think I will&nbsp;experiment&nbsp;soon with some cooking though... I don't plan on keeping any leftovers&nbsp;because&nbsp;I'm not&nbsp;carrying&nbsp;ice in my cooler. Buying meals&nbsp;I'm&nbsp;used to cooking in the sticks/brick will be&nbsp;difficult.&nbsp;Seems&nbsp;like most meals in the grocery&nbsp;store&nbsp;are geared for a family of 4 and that's what I'm used to cooking. I guess my goal will be to cook in the van most night's and&nbsp;maybe&nbsp;"eat out" 1 or 2 times a week. Think I will give this a go soon and will be trying&nbsp;something&nbsp;similar to what&nbsp;Spirituallifetime does. I'm not a health&nbsp;freak but I'm working on becoming one.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Tortillas. I have a thing for tortillas. I think I would eat a pine cone if I could wrap it in a tortilla with a dash of Chollula.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />Another of my favorites is cup o noodles. I know it doesn't really come under the heading of 'healthy'. It is a large serving of everything I'm not supposed to have in a container that contributes to landfills.<br />&nbsp; I get that.<br />&nbsp;But when I pull into my night spot later than I wanted to and don't really feel like cooking it makes an easy and cheap hot meal when I normally wouldn't have one. Add a diced slice of spam and a green onion cut up, or just with a simple sandwich it sure hits the spot. Cheap and easy to keep on hand. <br />-Bill-
Hahahaha crazyBill...I love it...I am the same with the tortilla! A pinecone with Cholula haot cauce...(the one and only and how I judge a restaurant worht the name...if they have bottles of Cholula, I'll eat there...Tapatia or El pato.... not so much.<br /><br />Pinecones...if my teeth were all stock, maybe...<img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Several of us just got back from the Cuchillo Creek cafe on it's first day open in a while and a great meal of homemade blue corn tortilla enchiladas con queso y Chile rojo, con dos huevos estrellada! Topped off with sopapillas con miel....yum freeking yum!<br /><br />I am not only full but in heaven....and I love the owners...<img src="/images/boards/smilies/love.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Bri
<p>My latest food find has been Cowboy Caviar.&nbsp; <br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />One can corn, drained<br />One can beans (I use black beans), drained<br />One can diced tomatoes, drained<br />1/2 chopped onion<br />minced garlic clove <br />chopped fresh cilantro<br /><br />Dressing:<br />1/3 cup olive oil <br />1/3 cup vinegar<br />cumin, salt and pepper to taste<br /><br />&nbsp;<br />Dump all in a bowl, mix and eat.&nbsp; Tastes even better the next day, after the flavors have a chance to marry-up.&nbsp; I can eat on this for days.&nbsp;</p>
&nbsp;I basically throw everything in a pot, with the brown rice (takes longer to cook, so everything else is cooked.. especially the veggies, which have been cut thinner), dump in the spices and REAL condensed (it's a paste) beef boullion and water, put the lid on and let 'er rip! I cook it till the water is near gone and the rice cooked, a bit earlier having added the other veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini) which don't need as much cooking, let sit for a bit and VIOLA!! I usually make enough for 2 days, so the rest gets thrown into one of those plastic containers with the locking lids (Starfrit) and shoved into the fridge when cooled.&nbsp; The dog then cleans out the pot and takes care of my plate and it's ready for the next Del-Monte success story.&nbsp;
Stealth. Save that for sleeping. When its time to eat find a parking lot, park, or rest stop and enjoy your food.<br>Healthy. I don't eat any meat that can't be reconized as a slab of some animal. No ground reprocessed miss-labeled mad cow pox beast unknown.<br>One exception, Scrapple! What is your favorite brand. I'm favoring Habbersat.
I guess I should post a recipe. No salt canned stuff. Butter Beans, one part. Fire Roasted tomatoes, 1/2 part. Real Bacon Bits or chunks, small t. Natural or raw sugar, Big T or to taste. I drain most of the water but if salt free no need to. Heat to boil and put into thermos to develop. Eat at your leisure. I put other stuff for meat flaver or make vegin with no meat. A dash of liquid smoke and some garlic would almost make up for no bacon. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> enjoy.