Good call on the marine batteries, they are dual purpose and will have only half the cycle life, if that, compared to Golf cart batteries in deep cycle duties
Interstate is a battery marketer, not a manufacturer. Most of their batteries will be Johnson Controls offerings, who in my opinion make a good starting battery, and an OK marine battery, but are not known for their deep cycle offerings.
Their 6v GC batteries used to be made by USbattery, and were quite good, but no more. More profit margin for them with JC.
The price in gas you pay to travel to get real GC batteries could be significantly less than what it will cost to replace marine batteries much earlier.
The last battery distributor I went to relabelled Crown marine batteries as super cycling deep cycle batteries. They weighed 54 LBs and were marine batteries where as their deep cycle battery was supposed to be 64Lbs. When I confronted the distributor over this, they just repeated over and over that a marine battery is a deep cycle battery until I snapped and started scaring away other customers.
The sales men hid in the office and sent out the manager, who was wise enough not to argue. I wound up with a heavier USbattery for more money, and it performed pretty well, for being a 12v battery, but it wasted a lot of electricity to get it to last. It required rather obscene voltages be held for much longer before the SPecific gravity would max out, and this itself was abusive to the battery, but less abusive than chronically undercharging it..
A GC battery is much easier to fully recharge, and is more resilient to less than perfect recharging, and able to recover from abuse so much better.
It is worth the effort to obtain them, rather than settle for the compromised 12 volt jars that will resist efforts to attain full charge, and might fall over dead when accidentally abused by overdischarging
Any battery can be deep cycled. It is how well it stands up to repetitive deep cycling which differentiates the batteries.
A Marine battery is NOT a deep cycle battery. Its internals are much closer in design to a starting battery than it is to a true deep cycle battery.
Keep searching. Call up Golf Courses service departments. They generally retire/recycle GC batteries when they still have a lot of life left in them. Even these used batteries will likely outlast a new marine battery all factors being equal.