Not Waiting Around Anymore

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New member
Mar 7, 2019
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Hi guys!

I'm not the best with this whole forum thing, so it's going to take a bit for me to get used to the format of this. 

Well anyways, I am a 25 year old woman that has always had kind of a wandering soul. I get antsy when I am in one place, doing the same thing, for too long. At least since I left home to go to college. 

Up until now, I have suppressed that natural tendency of mine. I have been trying to follow that scripted path society has sold me as The Way. Go to college - get a job - get married - buy a house - have kids - grow old - (probably not) retire - die. I thought this was the easy way. The path of least resistance I guess. 

Toward the end of college studying to be a photojournalist, I started to feel antsy for the first time. I was told to look for jobs to apply for, but part of me wasn't ready for that yet. There is a whole swath of this country I've never been able to experience and while I was in college I developed this deep passion for conservation and outdoor recreation. I was looking at doing a multi-month road trip around the American West. Go hiking at all the national parks, go whitewater kayaking, horseback riding. The whole lot. 

But then I got an email from my professor saying that a small town newspaper in Northern Ohio was hiring. It was perfect! I didn't have any family there, but my college boyfriend grew up there. And even though we weren't technically together at that point, I loved his family and knew the area. It felt comfortable, safe, secure. 

So I applied, got the job, and abandoned the idea of traveling. 

And that abandoned idea has been an ever increasing weight in my heart and soul. 

But for awhile, I was able to ignore it. I ended up buying a small starter home for fairly cheap, and with cash. Got back together with that boyfriend and even switched jobs. To an office job on a sustainable farm in the area. That's when things really started to fester. 

At the newspaper, I was able to experience all the Lake Erie region has to offer, from outdoor opportunities to uplifting community stories. I saw and did a lot. Almost feels like I did everything. 

But with no raise and sight and increasing responsibility and poor management, I wanted to leave so I got a job as a marketing videographer on the farm. Thought I would love it, but I was sold a false bit of goods. Driving to the same place every day, sitting in an office with no windows, in a culture that squashes any sort of free thought or creativity almost instantly. 

That idea of traveling the West started to fester again. 

And this time, I'm going to do it. I'm going to sell my house and all my major belongings, buy some sort of mobile living get up and get out there. Why waste any more time? 

So hi! I was brought here by the documentary Without Bound on YouTube and thought I would start to explore the community of like minded people. I'm gonna study this forum, website, anything. Ask bunches of questions and hope to see you all out there!
Neat story SoulLiberty, sometimes the wandering spirit can't be squashed.

What small town Ohio NP did you work at ? I actually operated the controll console on the newspaper printing press at the Findlay, Ohio "Courier" for 10 years awhile back.
I love your spirit, don't let anyone or anything dampen it. There are some genuinely helpful folks here and in the nomad community. You will learn a lot and have fun too. Welcome
Welcome to the CRVL forums souliberty! Going out on the road when you're young is wonderful but just a mild warning - once you do this you'll have a hard time going back to anything most people consider normal! :-D

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
It is fantastic to get out and about while you are young and unencumbered without a lot of responsibilities to others such as children or elderly parents. Now is the best time of your life and you should make the most of the opportunity. Also your health is likely the best it will ever be for doing this kind of adventuring. Savor it everyday.
Rock it out and go for it :)

You know what you need and want, now take the steps to work it best for you and start your traveling life!!
Yay!! Viva La Wanderlust!! It doesn't bring me happiness but it's certainly is an ingredient that, without, life tastes bland and who can be content w/ bland while honoring themselves.

Here's to Thriving...and not settling for surviving.
Hi souliberty and welcome,

You have a great story. When you shared your age, I had to reflect on my own story at 25 yo. I too, made a huge leap to travel, solo. Although my parents were not satisfied on my decision, I went for my dreams to the fullest. Was it easy? Not all the time, but I have no regrets. I hope you'll find yourself right where you want to be. Not where others think you should be.
Thanks guys and gals for the warm welcome! 

I can tell by your replies that you are my kind of people and I hope to see everyone out on the road in the near future. 

I can tell I’m meant to do this just by the fact that I’m so ready and into doing the work required to get to where I want to be: out on the road living frugally and purposefully while blazing a path full of discovery and adventure.
MaTaLa said:
Here's to Thriving...and not settling for surviving.

Yes! This has become a focus for me as I make some hard decisions to thrive while being a caregiver spouse.