Not one of the cool kids...

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2012
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As of yesterday, I'm putting in my last three days on the job, before hitting the road. Although I've been living in a motor home for the past year, I hadn't really considered myself an RV dweller as I was renting 1.5 acres, and had full hookups, with a fence around 3/4 acres for my Bella. I'm fully aware that I don't have cool kid status -- not building out a van; know nothing about mechanical, electrical, technological, solar stuff; heading out in a Class A towing a Chevy Malibu Classic -- but maybe I'll be able to contribute something small, once in a while.

I've been so busy getting ready to hit the road that I forgot to make a plan as to where I'm going! I'm not supposed to report to Sequoia NF until May 3rd, and I've been excited about the free time for the first time in my entire life, to just go wherever I wanted without tiny time constraints, and I don't have to be in Sacramento very quickly because my daughter, her husband, and the twins will be in Reno next weekend, so I realized I needed a better plan than: Leave Central Oregon on Wednesday, April 15th!

I was hoping to check out Crater Lake on my way down, but it's still closed to vehicular traffic, so I had to scratch that off my list. After looking at a few dispersed camping areas along Highway 97, and discarding them, I decided to keep going until I got to the Shasta Trinity Forest, and found a Shasta Lake shoreline campground that is free until May, so I'm heading there first. I'll stay one or two days then head to Sacramento. And that will be my very first dry-camping-in-an-RV experience.
I'd bet most of us weren't one of the cool kids... I know I certainly was not. We are all on our own path. Best of luck with yours. :)
You may not have the skillz in the mechanical/electrical/etc. stuff yet, but I'm sure you'll pick up what you need to along the way or find someone to help with it. Doesn't matter if you built out your rig or not, the fact that you are driving out of your comfort zone makes you cool. :D

Sharing your journey with us is a great contribution---you never know what simple things will inspire or aid the rest of us "uncool" kids. :)

Enjoy the journey! :D Wish I was able to get on the road this Spring too!
Thank you, both! I wish you could get out on the road this Spring, too, anewbie!
 We're not cool kids either :-D but we sure are enjoying this life!

 As you're driving south on Hwy 97 stop at the Living Memorial Sculpture Garden -    The sculptures are hauntingly beautiful and you can stay overnight in the parking lot if you wish. We've stayed there a couple of times. It's about 12 miles north of Weed, CA.

 We're slowing heading north to Seattle, staying mostly on the back roads through California. We're going to be in Yosemite this week then back to Route 49 to continue our trip. Perhaps we'll run into each other!

 Have a great trip!
tonyandkaren said:
 We're not cool kids either :-D but we sure are enjoying this life!

 As you're driving south on Hwy 97 stop at the Living Memorial Sculpture Garden -    The sculptures are hauntingly beautiful and you can stay overnight in the parking lot if you wish. We've stayed there a couple of times. It's about 12 miles north of Weed, CA.

 We're slowing heading north to Seattle, staying mostly on the back roads through California. We're going to be in Yosemite this week then back to Route 49 to continue our trip. Perhaps we'll run into each other!

 Have a great trip!
Is there an admittance fee?
If your wheels are rolling, thats pretty cool.
Your rig is waaaaaaaay cooler than mine!

Ha! It's definitely bigger, but you get extra cool points for roughing it.
nana I wasn't a cool kid either. you will do fine, have a great time and keep us informed. I have enjoyed communicating with you, don't want to lose that. highdesertranger
tonyandkaren said:
Nana4Twins - no admittance fee for the Living Memorial Sculpture Garden. It's out in the country, quiet, peaceful and free.

Sounds great! I'll make it a point to stop and check it out. thank you! Hope to run into you on the road!
highdesertranger said:
nana I wasn't a cool kid either.  you will do fine,  have a great time and keep us informed.  I have enjoyed communicating with you,  don't want to lose that.  highdesertranger

Well, my physical location might change, but I'm afraid you're stuck with me in the forums. As long as I have a Verizon Signal, I'm staying in touch! :)
Sounds pretty cool to m nana, my rig wont even come out of the lot for a month or more.
Theadyn said:
We of the 'Non Cool Kids' unite!!!  :)

It's taken me about this long to find a place I finally feel I belong... :D :D

Non Cool kids are us!!
YAY! I'm in the very best of company with all of you. Thank you so much.
With my last workday finally here, I'm really looking forward to leaving the cold and reaching some warmer weather. I've been practicing conservation techniques, both on water and propane usage. When I arise, I kick on the heater (at about 50 degrees), and turn on the water heater. I use an electric throw for some additional warmth while I have my coffee, and do my online stuff. After breakfast, and dishwashing, I turn off the water heater, jump in the shower, get everything wet, then turn off the water. Soap/shampoo up, shave legs or armpits as needed, turn the water back on long enough to rinse, jump out, and turn off the house heater, and get dressed. Unfortunately, I'm very rarely warm enough once I get out of bed in the morning. During the summer last year, though, I rarely needed the water heater, and used so little propane that I didn't have to top off for more than three months.

The good news is that my showers use so little water now, that I've more than doubled the number i can take before the grey water tank fills up!
Good luck on your travels! I never thought of myself as a cool kid either...