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Active member
Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
Hey there everyone! I just wanted to reintroduce myself/ourselves. It's been a few years since I've logged in and thought I should probably be logging in every now and today is that day! We (my husband, myself, and our two small furbabies) live in a beefed up 1995 Chevy Astro van... some of you may even know us already from the RTR's! We have been full-timing since June of 2012 and have met many wonderful people on the road. We live on a budget, as I'm sure most of us do. My hubs works on the internet doing all kinds of stuff and I try to do what I can by making jewelry for Etsy and writing a blog. If you would like to see what I do you can visit my Etsy shop, I am DesertWrapper! Our blog is
I look forward to meeting more of you either here or on the road or anywhere in between!
Safe travels and Peace to all :angel:
Well, Hello again! Will check out your blog. Great seeing you around again. :)
yeah I have been following on youtube, nice videos. got a question. what is a DesertWrapper? I have never heard that one. highdesertranger