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That video was hilarious. I met Coco when he was a one legged Mexican, instead of a no legged Mexican. And no I'm not being racist, he has over the years lost both legs to diabetes complications, but not his spirit. If anyone is thinking of heading south, do it soon and be sure to meet this Baja legend before he too is dust in the wind. It's already too late to meet Mama Espinosa.

Park, 2 of my favorite camps down there are the small bay just north of Gonzaga - nothing there except peace and quiet. And the middle of Calamajue canyon. Fortunately my oldest son was able to camp in both those places on his own recent 2 month trip down there. And he was able to meet Coco.
Yes, Coco's attitude remains the same even missing both legs.  I love stopping in and hanging out with him.  It's characters like Coco who make Baja what it is.  I'll have to check out those campsites north of Gonzaga next time down.  I've been staying at the ones just south of Gonzaga but I'm not sure there is any "bad" campsites to be found in Baja.  Glad you enjoyed the video.  I've had people who haven't been down what the checkpoints are like.  That video just about covers it!
Park Kitchings said:
Yes, Coco's attitude remains the same even missing both legs.  I love stopping in and hanging out with him.  It's characters like Coco who make Baja what it is.  I'll have to check out those campsites north of Gonzaga next time down.  I've been staying at the ones just south of Gonzaga but I'm not sure there is any "bad" campsites to be found in Baja.  Glad you enjoyed the video.  I've had people who haven't been down ask what the checkpoints are like.  That video just about covers it!
[font='courier new', courier, monospace]Now that I was back across the border & retrieved my buried goods I opted to return to some old haunts I'd been to many times in the past. Joshua Tree and Death Valley National Parks.  Although I've been to both parks several times over the years, they seem to keep drawing me back........for an update click below:[/font]

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Sorry for the previous post. Not sure why all the code is showing up and I can't figure out how to delete the post entirely and start over. Any help would be appreciated.

I finally had the time to check out your blog and enjoyed it. Nice photography, too. I loved the old mining cabin from the outside, lit up like a cozy beacon amid miles of solitude.

I guess you see a lot of those old mines since you go back of the beyond and then hike even further.
WriterMs said:
I finally had the time to check out your blog and enjoyed it. Nice photography, too. I loved the old mining cabin from the outside, lit up like a cozy beacon amid miles of solitude.

I guess you see a lot of those old mines since you go back of the beyond and then  hike even further.

Thanks for the compliment on the photos and yes, I've seen my share of old mining stuff.  Western states are  covered in that kind of stuff so it's not too hard to find.  Not sure why, but I find that old stuff interesting and enjoying poking around and contemplating on what life must have been like back in the day.
It is your fault that I did not get a thing done today.  I traveled  thousands  of mIles with you. What a great trip and the scenery was fantastic.  Can I go with you next trip? Unfortunately  I am still stuck at home but your travels sure motivote me. Thanks for sharing. Nora
jaxtonsgram said:
It is your fault that I did not get a thing done today.  I traveled  thousands  of mIles with you. What a great trip and the scenery was fantastic.  Can I go with you next trip? Unfortunately  I am still stuck at home but your travels sure motivote me. Thanks for sharing. Nora

Thanks for following along.  It's nice to know that the effort posting to the blogsite is not wasted and it is being viewed.  Petey has his eye on some new stuff so we may be back on the road soon........

Park, thanks for the review. I've looked at Overland Solar but didn't know if the extra price was worth it. I want to add solar to my cargo trailer this summer, so I can get a fridge. But I also want a portable system so when I just take the truck I can throw the fridge in the back seat and charge the truck. I may start with a suitcase system like you have, and then add a permanent system to the trailer.
I'm reading along the trail with you and Petey too Park !
Outstanding pics as always on your blog. When I get to travel again, I'll be looking at what is the best (yet affordable for me) solar. I'll want a portable system as you did, so I appreciate the review.
Update to the blogsite:

Time to get back on the road even if for a brief period,  be around some like-minded people for a couple of days and then ...... solitude.  I attended the NW Overland Rally in Plain, Washington where one can camp, roam around looking at all kind of rigs, view vendor's trying to sell cool items that I can't afford or don't really need, attend classes covering a wide range of subjects, drink some free beer, bullshit with other Overlanders, win free stuff at the nightly raffle drawing and generally do a lot of nothing for a couple of days..............
