No refrigeration?

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highdesertranger said:
hey Ken what kind of green chilies do you use.  I use Thrive brand not bad,

As I am still living in stick home I dry my own.  I get a big bunch on Hatch chiles and roast and peal them.  I lay them out flat in my dehydrator and dry them.  I then crumble them and bag them in zipper vac bag or 1/2 pint canning jar and vac seal using the adapter.  I also freeze a bunch as well.  I have seen the Thrive option but haven't tried it yet.  As strange as it may seem our local Alaska grocery gets a large supply of Hatch NM chiles in each year that are available for about 3 weeks.  I usually buy about 40 lbs of them.  About 2/3 go in freezer and 1/3 goes in dehydrator.  I don't know how long they last but they will last at least a year dried and many years frozen.  Frozen get hotter each year.  I keep some commercial cans at home as well as I have never had good results canning my own (mushy).  I dehydrate a lot of stuff I like because I still can but that is probably a different post.  I was raised on a farm by depression era grandparents and was taught pretty young do for myself.
Any clues as to how to get to the payment page of omeals? It will only allow me to WorldP ay  and I don\ said:
Since I don't like milk and rarely use eggs (which can be stored out of refrigeration for a while) I use the powdered kind for any cooking. They last well and if using them as an ingredient in another meal the taste and consistency matter a lot less.

Even though I take a cooler on long road-trips (no camper, just the truck) it's only for the beer and soda (priorities right?) I rely on shelf-stable food in a plastic tote that sits in the back of my truck in full sunshine on mega-hot days in the middle of summer. Certain things work better than others...less tomato based canned goods (like Chef Boyardee or chili type stuff) and more soups, Pasta-Roni meals etc. I treat road-tripping like to be quick, simple and easy food to make.