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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2012
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Hello, everyone.  I just bought and read RV Bob's new book last night, and thought that perhaps, this might just be an answer to my problems.  I live in Sacramento, CA, and lost my job in July. I have to walk away from my house (it is worth less than 50% of what I owe, and the mortgage payment plus utilities exceeds my unemployment income, which is going to end in February), and I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. Apparently, it's difficult to get entry level work, when your last job paid you $62,000 a year.  I've already applied with CLM for a job as campground host for next year (advice found here) but without a self-contained RV they won't consider me.  I worked hard to pay off my car this April, but it's a Chrylser 300.  Sexy, but not exactly "living quarters". lol Unfortunately, the lender "accidentally" assigned the title to CoPart and although they keep telling me they're trying to get it back, no progress has been made.  At the moment, I am saving every cent I can, and looking for a very light, very inexpensive (but in good condition) tow-behind trailer.  Preferably one with a toilet, shower, stove, and sink.  I've looked online, and found several, that are almost exactly what I need, but they're in Maryland and NY! Anyone know of anything closer, or have any other ideas?  I wish I could run out and buy a new truck and RV, but the most I'll have saved by February will be $6500, and I'll need to that to live (food, cell phone, gas, insurance, etc).  Oh, I also have a 6 month yellow lab who will be living/traveling with me.  She's fantastic! 
<span style="color: #008000; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Welcome, TT ! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /></span><br /><br /><span style="color: #008000; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Bob</span><br /><br /><span style="color: #008000;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">P.S. - Had a lady lab named Sundae (for her Butterscotch color) that was the sweetest dog ever. Yours looks a lot like her</span>.</span>
Thanks, Bob!&nbsp; She is the greatest dog I've ever had!&nbsp; She's been immunized, spayed, been through obedience classes, and is currently being socialized at the dog park.&nbsp; She is well behaved in the car, but I'm afraid she still eats the house furniture. lol&nbsp;
Heya!&nbsp; A chrysler 300 is pretty nice luxury car, i wonder if you could maybe trade for a small used rv or maybe a truck and camper combo.
You could easily trade in the car for just about anything and might even get some money back in the deal.<br /><br />
Welcome to the forum.&nbsp; Before I bought the rv I spent a lot of time watching auctions and garage sales for travel trailers, saw a number of them going cheap, but too small for my needs.&nbsp; Probably would have served yours, however.&nbsp; But that's in Texas.&nbsp; Good luck in your search and whatever you end up with.
Welcome Tammi.....glad to have you with us adn hope you find just what you need.<br />Bri
Welcome ! New here also. &nbsp;I found my small RV in Sac, CA on Craigslist. &nbsp;Had to look for a while but worth the wait. &nbsp;I live over in Willits, CA on Rt. 101. &nbsp;Let me know if I can be of any help. &nbsp;<br /><br />Don
Hi, Tammi, welcome. Mispla ed titles can be a mess to straighten out, thats for sure! Hope it works out for you. For an Rv, check Az and Fla ctaigslists. TONS of rvs for sale, most in at least decent shape, in your price range. When i lived in Ny, most of the cheaper rvs i saw were water damaged from ice and snow buildup on uncovered roofs.
Welcome and I have looked at many RV's also in central NY. Many if not all were just plain junk.
Wow, thank you everyone, for the warm welcome!&nbsp; A couple of you have mentioned trading in the car for an RV, which I was tempted to try to do, but unless the title magically appears from the black hole into which it has disappeared, I'm not sure what my recourse is.&nbsp; Also, I thought it would be nice not to have to break camp if I need to run to town for supplies.&nbsp; On the other hand, I certainly wouldn't mind trading it in for a much smaller, more economic car.&nbsp;&nbsp; Very happy to be here, and thank you again for the welcome!
marcosv6 said:
Welcome ! New here also. &nbsp;I found my small RV in Sac, CA on Craigslist. &nbsp;Had to look for a while but worth the wait. &nbsp;I live over in Willits, CA on Rt. 101. &nbsp;Let me know if I can be of any help. &nbsp;<br /><br />Don
<br /><br />Thank you, Don, I might take you up on that! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Les H said:
Hi, Tammi, welcome. Mispla ed titles can be a mess to straighten out, thats for sure! Hope it works out for you. For an Rv, check Az and Fla ctaigslists. TONS of rvs for sale, most in at least decent shape, in your price range. When i lived in Ny, most of the cheaper rvs i saw were water damaged from ice and snow buildup on uncovered roofs.
<br /><br />Thank you for the advice.&nbsp; I hadn't considered AZ, but it's not that far, and might be worth the drive for a good deal!
<p>Hi Tammi,<br /><br />Welcome to this fun group!&nbsp; I'm glad to see how you have a plan despite the curves life is throwing your direction.&nbsp; It sure gives a person peace of mind.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></p><p>V.T.</p>
Hi Tammi!<br /><br />Welcome to the forum!&nbsp; I agree your car isn't exactly a place to live, but on the main website there is a post about Suanne, who live(s)/lived in a Prius for quite a while, so it can be done, if you have to.&nbsp; But I do hope you get your Title mess straightened out, and then can trade it out for a Van or something.&nbsp; <br /><br />Wish you lots of success!&nbsp; My home base is in Redding, CA just north of you, but I won't be back there until November (I'm wandering the pacific northwest right now).<br /><br />I'm new here as well, just last month picked up my new full-time home, a giant van.&nbsp; It's been really great and interesting, and emotionally hard too sometimes, but I'm happy I'm here!<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara