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VanTrekker said:
<p>Hi Tammi,<br /><br />Welcome to this fun group!&nbsp; I'm glad to see how you have a plan despite the curves life is throwing your direction.&nbsp; It sure gives a person peace of mind.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /></p><p>V.T.</p>
<br /><br />It sure does!&nbsp; i\I've been spinning for the past 2 months, trying to figure out where I was headed, and how I was supposed to get there.&nbsp; I stumbled across a free book about living in your car (which was really depressing) but at the end of the book (kindle version) there was a link to "How to Live in a Car, Van or RV And Get out of Debt, Travel and Find True Freedom" by Robert Wells.&nbsp; I previewed it, then bought it, read it straight through, and everything started falling into place.<br /><br />Addendum:&nbsp; I am not saying that living in your car is depressing, just that the particular book I read about a guy that was living in his car, was depressing.
peacetara said:
Hi Tammi!<br /><br />Welcome to the forum!&nbsp; I agree your car isn't exactly a place to live, but on the main website there is a post about Suanne, who live(s)/lived in a Prius for quite a while, so it can be done, if you have to.&nbsp; But I do hope you get your Title mess straightened out, and then can trade it out for a Van or something.&nbsp; <br /><br />Wish you lots of success!&nbsp; My home base is in Redding, CA just north of you, but I won't be back there until November (I'm wandering the pacific northwest right now).<br /><br />I'm new here as well, just last month picked up my new full-time home, a giant van.&nbsp; It's been really great and interesting, and emotionally hard too sometimes, but I'm happy I'm here!<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara
<br /><br /><br />Hi, Tara!&nbsp; The Pacific Northwest is where I want to be!&nbsp; I have read about the amazing people who are making it work, living in their cars, but I don't think I could do it, especially with my traveling companion, who I lovingly refer to as "Bella The Horse" (aka, my yellow labrador retriever).&nbsp; Are you doing this on your own?&nbsp; I've wondered if it's more difficult emotionally for women to cut loose of their roots and live on the road.
Well the only downside to my van is it's 4' tall inside.&nbsp; but it's also 12' long and 6 feet wide, so it's a really nice big space otherwise!&nbsp; I am doing this alone, I have a friend that part-times with me when she can get off work, and may eventually full-time.<br /><br />I recently met several van dwellers with dogs of various sizes, so it can be done for sure!&nbsp; Mostly what kept me out of an RV is the maintenance, I asked everyone I met about maintenance, and they all said it sucks.&nbsp; I ran screaming, I'm not a fan of maintenance! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; Plus I was really worried about driving such a monster, and vans get WAY better gas mileage and I wanted to travel to see all my friends and family scattered all over the place.<br /><br />It definitely gets emotional, it's a big adjustment for sure! But I'm not remotely regretting this decision!
peacetara said:
Well the only downside to my van is it's 4' tall inside.&nbsp; but it's also 12' long and 6 feet wide, so it's a really nice big space otherwise!&nbsp; I am doing this alone, I have a friend that part-times with me when she can get off work, and may eventually full-time.<br /><br />I recently met several van dwellers with dogs of various sizes, so it can be done for sure!&nbsp; Mostly what kept me out of an RV is the maintenance, I asked everyone I met about maintenance, and they all said it sucks.&nbsp; I ran screaming, I'm not a fan of maintenance! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; Plus I was really worried about driving such a monster, and vans get WAY better gas mileage and I wanted to travel to see all my friends and family scattered all over the place.<br /><br />It definitely gets emotional, it's a big adjustment for sure! But I'm not remotely regretting this decision!
<br /><br />This will be the first time I've ever done anything non-mainstream in my life.&nbsp; Although I'm not really thrilled that I lost my job, and am losing my house, I can't say I'm sorry to be pushed into a new life. Hang in there.&nbsp; Seems like we've got a great group of people here for encouragement, advice, inspiration, and support.
I looked at several used RVs here in the NY area and most if not all were junk. I chose to buy a 2004 Malibu Maxx. It's a&nbsp;compromise between gas&nbsp;mileage&nbsp;and maintenance. I get about 28-30 mpg on the highways. It is a hatchback and seems to be designed as a road vehicle. The front passenger folds down forward to make a small table and provides me with enough room to sleep on a low profile camp cot. I use a 3 season tent most of the time, but can sleep in my car if I had to. I am not concerned with stealth as I like to travel to different places, workcamp for a couple of weeks, visit friends and family "scattered" ( thanks peacetara) all over the USA. Welcome ttpadilla and good luck in all your&nbsp;endeavors!&nbsp;
Vonbrown said:
I looked at several used RVs here in the NY area and most if not all were junk. I chose to buy a 2004 Malibu Maxx. It's a&nbsp;compromise between gas&nbsp;mileage&nbsp;and maintenance. I get about 28-30 mpg on the highways. It is a hatchback and seems to be designed as a road vehicle. The front passenger folds down forward to make a small table and provides me with enough room to sleep on a low profile camp cot. I use a 3 season tent most of the time, but can sleep in my car if I had to. I am not concerned with stealth as I like to travel to different places, workcamp for a couple of weeks, visit friends and family "scattered" ( thanks peacetara) all over the USA. Welcome ttpadilla and good luck in all your&nbsp;endeavors!&nbsp;
<br /><br />Thanks, Vonbrown.&nbsp; Good luck to you, as well!
Hi &amp; Welcome ... I've got nothing to offer by way of help, so how bout I buy you a pizza?<br /><br />
welcome to the lifestyle , sorry about the&nbsp;circumstances, this will either change you forever about how you live or it will just carry you over until you can find your ground again. There are always a good bit of influx RVs come every winter, the bigger ones go cheaper , so I have seen. I wish you luck and very glad you have some time to figure this out.
Where_the_Wind_Blows said:
welcome to the lifestyle , sorry about the&nbsp;circumstances, this will either change you forever about how you live or it will just carry you over until you can find your ground again. There are always a good bit of influx RVs come every winter, the bigger ones go cheaper , so I have seen. I wish you luck and very glad you have some time to figure this out.
<br /><br />I feel like this will change forever, how I live, and I'm really excited about it.&nbsp; I've noticed the big ones going cheaper, too.&nbsp; I'm looking for a 19-24' Class B or Class C, which are out there, I'm encouraged to see!&nbsp; Unfortunately, I've still got a few months until I'll have the money together to buy one.&nbsp; Fortunately, as you said, I've got some time to get everything worked out.&nbsp; Thank you for the warm "welcome"!
sl1966 said:
Hi &amp; Welcome ... I've got nothing to offer by way of help, so how bout I buy you a pizza?<br /><br />
<br /><br />Hahaha!!!&nbsp; You are very helpful, Steve!&nbsp; But I'm going to pretend like you aren't, just to get that pizza! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
welcome<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;&nbsp; and cute pup!&nbsp; I have a lab/rott mix and let me tell ya, he chewed through my whole apartment when he was younger and he's 7 now and still frisky!&nbsp; They are great friends though.&nbsp; I have spent most of the summer in my van with my big dog working out what i need and such,&nbsp; and as long as I can get him out for a 1hr or two 1/2hr walks he does pretty well. I would just make sure you take your dog for rides as much as possible to get her ready for the mobile life....but with a lab i don't see any problems with that<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br />&nbsp;&nbsp; good luck with your search, i lost my job and unemployment several years ago. things do work out and it feels great to not be attached to 'stuff'.<br />&nbsp; <br />&nbsp;
katelynn said:
welcome<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;&nbsp; and cute pup!&nbsp; I have a lab/rott mix and let me tell ya, he chewed through my whole apartment when he was younger and he's 7 now and still frisky!&nbsp; They are great friends though.&nbsp; I have spent most of the summer in my van with my big dog working out what i need and such,&nbsp; and as long as I can get him out for a 1hr or two 1/2hr walks he does pretty well. I would just make sure you take your dog for rides as much as possible to get her ready for the mobile life....but with a lab i don't see any problems with that<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp; good luck with your search, i lost my job and unemployment several years ago. things do work out and it feels great to not be attached to 'stuff'.<br />&nbsp; <br />&nbsp;
<br /><br />Thank you, Katelynn.&nbsp; Bella is great in the car (she gets to ride at least 4-5 times a week), but I haven't taken her anywhere very far yet. That will happen pretty soon, though, as it looks like we'll be headed to Southern California for Christmas. I hope that Bella and I get to meet you and your dog one of these days, soon.
Hi Tammi.&nbsp; Welcome!&nbsp; I'm nearby&nbsp;in San Fran myself.&nbsp; I don't know how you survive Sacto heat!&nbsp; Last time I was there, I almost died from 100+ degree weather.&nbsp; I also second everyone's suggestion about Craigslist in the car section, but be careful, as I've seen on the news there are a bunch of scammers who will strong arm you out of your money.&nbsp; Therefore only meet at a safe neutral location.&nbsp; I've also seen too many ads for vehicles in the East Coast that have rust damage due to snow, so I would stay away from any vehicles in New York or anything that side of the coast.&nbsp; What is your car worth?&nbsp; Maybe you can sell it and buy a used RV as others have suggested.&nbsp; Would your car be physically capable of towing a trailer?&nbsp; If so, that's another possibility too.&nbsp; Good luck on job hunting!&nbsp; -Casey
caseyc said:
Hi Tammi.&nbsp; Welcome!&nbsp; I'm nearby&nbsp;in San Fran myself.&nbsp; I don't know how you survive Sacto heat!&nbsp; Last time I was there, I almost died from 100+ degree weather.&nbsp; I also second everyone's suggestion about Craigslist in the car section, but be careful, as I've seen on the news there are a bunch of scammers who will strong arm you out of your money.&nbsp; Therefore only meet at a safe neutral location.&nbsp; I've also seen too many ads for vehicles in the East Coast that have rust damage due to snow, so I would stay away from any vehicles in New York or anything that side of the coast.&nbsp; What is your car worth?&nbsp; Maybe you can sell it and buy a used RV as others have suggested.&nbsp; Would your car be physically capable of towing a trailer?&nbsp; If so, that's another possibility too.&nbsp; Good luck on job hunting!&nbsp; -Casey
<br /><br />Hey, Casey!&nbsp; San Francisco is SO much better than Sacramento.&nbsp; I do not tolerate heat well, and will be so extremely happy to leave this god-forsaken town behind next year!&nbsp; I'm working on getting title situation straightened out on my car.&nbsp; I may have actually found someone with the previous lender that will follow this through.&nbsp; After that, I'll find out how much it's worth, and figure out what I want to do with it.&nbsp; I don't think it will tow much, and have already changed my plans to get a little pop up to live in.&nbsp; Planning on a gently used Class B or C, and definitely staying away from any coming from back east!&nbsp; As for the strong-arm scammers, I don't intend to take any money with me the first time I look at a vehicle, and will definitely take a friend.&nbsp; So, hopefully, they'll at least wait until my second trip, to rob me blind! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />
Tammi, sounds like you have a plan!&nbsp; I don't know why everyone makes fun of Sacramento, they just do!&nbsp; For me in the past, Sacto town was simply the halfway point to have breakfast at Dennys and re-fuel early morning before driving up the mountains to Lake Tahoe for skiing.&nbsp; If you can't tolerate heat well, then you probably can better handle the fog and drizzle of Frisco town!<img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" alt="" align="absMiddle" border="0" />&nbsp; Cooler weather suits me way better!&nbsp; <br /><br />That's a good idea of not bringing cash with you for Craigslist postings, sounds like you know how to fend off robbers, at least the first time around! Haha!&nbsp; You should be able to get a decent used Class C RV for under $6,000.&nbsp; I used to have a 1997 Class C Fleetwood Jamboree which I enjoyed.&nbsp; But what killed it for me was trying to park the darn thing in city streets, as I was constantly getting harrassed by neighbors and having the 72 hour ordinance rule posted on my windshield by traffic control officers threating to tow my vehicle.&nbsp; In dismay, I ended up paying $75 monthly for long term storage in another city 45 minutes drive away, such a hassle.&nbsp; Because the RV was parked so far away, I barely ever used it, and ultimately sold it at a loss rather than continue paying $75 monthly storage fees.&nbsp; Oh well, lessen learned.&nbsp; <br /><br />I now have a 1995 Ford E-150 conversion van, and I can park it anywhere without being bothered by anyone!&nbsp; Such a joy!!&nbsp; I've also seen Class B vehicles such as a GMC RoadTrek parked in city streets for a stretch at a time with little trouble.&nbsp; But I don't know if a Class B vehicle is enough room for you.&nbsp; Personally, I'd go for a smaller Class B vehicle than a Class C simply for ease of parking and driving.&nbsp; Good luck on selling your car, if that's what you end up deciding to do.&nbsp; <br /><br />Cheers, Casey<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
My daughter and her husband live in Frisco, and they love it.&nbsp; I was also just there with a friend this past Sunday, and the weather was perfect!&nbsp; Can't afford to live there, of course, but then again, I can't afford to live much of anywhere, anymore.&nbsp; I would probably take a Class B if it was put together well.&nbsp; I don't need a lot of room for just me and the dog, as long as we're parked out in the country/wilderness/woods/beach somewhere that I can open the door and let the outdoors be my living room.&nbsp; I'm not too worried about stealth, as I plan to avoid the city as much as possible, but I am worried about gas mileage, and being able to handle the vehicle (which is why I'm not getting a very large RV).&nbsp; If it's also self-contained, and in good condition, I'll be happy!&nbsp; Sorry you had to give up your Jamboree.&nbsp; Those 72 hour rules suck.&nbsp; I had a travel trailer that I parked in front of my house a few years ago. It wasn't long before I got the same "move it or lose it" notice!
Yes!!!&nbsp; I love the tile tub!!! It's a little more than I was hoping to spend, but if it's still on the market when I get my pennies together at the first of the year, i may go for it.&nbsp; It's really quite pretty.&nbsp; Which is all that counts, right? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Don,<br /><br />Wow, that's a nice find! &nbsp;Pictures are usually nicer than real life, but if it really is in excellent condition, I think the price is probably okay. &nbsp;My only minor peeve, or maybe not so minor, is that the main bed is that accurate? &nbsp;I don't like the idea of sleeping upstairs. &nbsp;I still have nightmares when I was a kid having fallen onto the floor from my bunk bed in the middle of the night waking up with a bloody nose! &nbsp;I just don't like the idea of sleeping in the compartment over the driver seat. &nbsp;Otherwise, the rest of the vehicle looks really cool.<br /><br />Casey<br /><br />
Lol, Casey.&nbsp; I used to fall out of the top bunk when I was a kid, too!&nbsp; I think the couch behind the driver's seat folds out.&nbsp; I'm thinking low bed in the summer, and high bed in the winter. Wish there were more interior pictures.&nbsp;