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New member
Jun 26, 2021
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Hi all!

I'm super stoked to be here. My name is Jess. I am a 34 year old student living just outside of Philadelphia, PA. I'm very early (like, research and planning still) in my transition to living on the road; I haven't even settled on what kind of rig I want, lol. I'm mostly looking into SUVs but haven't completely ruled out vans. I'm mostly here looking for info, community and inspiration. I'm looking into virtual and remote work and will probably also continue my education whilst on the road. 

Nice to meet everyone  :D

Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums  :)

I started out just like yourself some time ago.  My Dad had actually done some of this before me.

So I'll offer you this to get started:

My own story is in the upper link of the two links below. (Van Conversion).  Then there is a link to "Choosing to be single and go on the road",  and "Education and Skills needed to work online from your Rig".

The two links at the bottom of this post should be interesting for you too.   Good Luck !

My Own Story

Choosing to be Single and on the Road
Welcome to the forum savage daughter. Stick around let us know what’s going on, ask all the questions you want, this is a friendly bunch, I found it so. By the way I’m probably 80 miles west of you in the Tuscarora state forest. Go on the web and look up Pennsylvania state forest camping, you’ll be amazed at the hundreds of sites that are in Pennsylvania and they’re free for seven days you just register to get a permit. If You want to know more about it PM me here and I’ll send you what I know just don’t take my favorite sites. I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Welcome to the forums, S.U.V. or Van would depend on where you plan to camp, if you're not planning on off road conditions or need roominess then perhaps a van. Unless you can find a 4x4 van. S.U.V if you want to get places passenger vehicles can't go, planning on driving in mud and snow conditions and can minimize your needs and maximize your storage ability and are traveling solo.
Hope this helped,
Good luck ?
Welcome! I think the most exciting part of this journey is the dreams and planning stage. When you search through the forum be sure to read the older post. Information is often shared from questions, or even banter :). Again I welcome you to this wonderful community!
The very best way to figure out what rig you want? Start by going camping right now, in the vehicle you have, with the stuff you have. You can fantasize all you want - and there's nothing wrong with fantasizing, I do it ALL the time - but there's nothing like real-world experience to ground your fantasies in your very own reality.

All you really need to start camping is a comfortable way to sleep in your vehicle. And some totes to carry organize your stuff. That's it. Lots of youtube vids out there for camping newbies.

If you like camping, you'll like it and want to keep doing it no matter how make-shift your current set-up is. It isn't the vehicle that makes it fun.

Here's wishing you loads of fun in the years to come!

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