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Aug 4, 2020
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I had quit my job a year ago after suffering extreme stress and chest pains, everybody died young in my family, so I didn't want to miss out on any precious years I had left. My son was selling his house at the time and I stepped in to be the "realtor" to show their property for fsbo. It sold in one day, market was extremely well for sellers that I decided I should sell my condo, next year was election year and who knows what can happen. When I quit my job I told my co-workers I think I might move to Florida, they took it as that I am for sure, and said, we'll miss you. My condo sold in one day and fast forward to one year later, I am in Florida and still haven't found a job. I am an interior designer and didn't think it would be this hard. Now with Covid, it is worse. I applied for anything on and didn't hear anything back, but not sure I wanted to, since most of those jobs I wouldn't be able to pay my lot rent. I would like to sell my manufactured home and buy a van to travel, which I would not be able to do if I continue living the way I am living. I moved into a 55+ community and feel like I am in a Communist country. I am not happy. What made me happy was the road trip down here from Wisconsin. My grandparents both came from Germany and met here; I told my mom I got the travel bug from them. Oh, and when I was married (husband passed away 14 yrs ago), his job had us move every 9 months, which I loved, and he hated.
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