Newbie and afraid to take the next step

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Nov 27, 2018
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:blush: Hello everybody. I think this is my first post but I could be wrong. Don’t remember. 

Anyhoo... I’ve been following and watching and listening and learning from everyone on here and on YouTube. I’ve taken the trial run and was out in Arizona from PA for the WRTR and the rest of January in a tent. I know I can do this! I know!

Last week I bought a small travel trailer just big enough for myself and my wiener dog. But I seem to be stuck now. I have everything I need now but I’m not doing anything with it. I’ve literally not been back in the trailer since I brought it home. It’s  like I’m scared. Stuck in quicksand. I don’t know. 

Does this make any sense?  Anybody got any words to help me get going?

Thank you for any help

No problem. Start out with a few overnights near home. Then it'll be easier after that. One small step at a time.

Having been at WRTR, you know there are plenty of women out there, It's all one big party!
Start slow with a few close by trips, and then venture further out as you feel like it.

Welcome to the forum, it's great to have you join us.

Best wishes.....
Hi Catherine, 

I only joined this forum yesterday, but it sounds like we are in a similar place with our mobile living adventure. I have been thinking about life on the road for a long time and have been watching Bob’s videos and many others for over a year now. I built myself a Tiny Travel Trailer (TTT) early this spring and have only been as far as the Adirondacks from NJ. I still have an apartment and feel I have to get out there and experience mobile living more before I can commit to it full time. 
My plan is to just do it. Get out there when I can for short trips and plan for some long ones as I get the kinks out of my car, trailer, and gear. I want to be ready for a full month in Arizona in January for the RTR and to see more of the south west at an easy pace. 

If there’s anything I can do to help let me know

Welcome Buster.... it's great to have you join us also.
Riverman said:
Welcome Buster....  it's great to have you join us also.

Thanks Riverman,

Your signature "I rather be fishing..."  My apartment is on a lake in NJ, the best bait shop in the state is right next door. I'm not a fishermen myself but they are always good people. 
Two things I would suggest.

Take small steps, as others have said.

Try to figure out what is immobilizing you, and face it head on.

Real or irrational fear,, either can cripple you with anxiety.

Good luck.
An even smaller baby step is to camp in your own driveway. That is the least scariest scenario. Then if you can't get comfortable or find you have forgotten an item or two, you won't have far to go.You still get experience and practice and can tweak things to better suit your unique needs that way.
Wow... You guys.... Dreaming and  We're like 'soul' sisters or something.. lol  I even have TWO Doxies, Dreaming!!  (That must be what's stopping us!! You KNOW how they Are!:)

I'm pretty sure I'm just old and lazy, and enjoy my 'comfort'.  Or maybe I got into a bad mindset with my knee replacement last year.. I dunno.  My van has BEEN all ready to go; I actually bought a small RV, took it out for ten hours round trip with camping in the middle.  It was fine..but ugh.. the gas mileage, I worry my older van (in great shape and low mileage) will crap out.. I could afford to fix it.. it's just the whole 'inconvenience thing' with the dogs, blah blah blah.

And then there's the part where; when I started this journey/idea.. CAMPING wasn't really my dream ya know.  I LIVE in a beautiful rural property so I see plenty of wildlife.  Or I can jump into the cabin and enjoy the A/C.  I've also seen a lot of the country car traveling in my 20s.. so??? I dunnnnoooo.  Maybe I'm just not 'inspired' enough.  (EDIT: When I re read this.. I think THIS may be the issue: Inspiration.  Let's think back to our original idea and what we wanted to do/accomplish.  Maybe that will help get us movin!)

I've been checking weather temps daily for EVER... I just HATE the idea of having a breakdown.. with DOGS on board in this god awful HEAT.

We need to start an 'accountability group' for us 'wieners' out here who just haven't got Gone yet!! Wish I could help you.. but.. ??  I'm clueless; other than what I've already confessed. :)

Hope this might help in some weird least you know you're not alone? lol
Go to a big open parking area, lay out some cones and practice backing into different scenarios. Practice driving up to gas pumps. Take short trips. Put a backup camera on your trailer. Your confidence will soar.
YES, I understand. I just keep building the trailer, lol. Hey, bigsallysmom, what backup camera do you suggest, that is a fear of mine....absolutely. I have thought of getting a plant dolly that has wheels so that I can rest my trailer on it and move it a little side to side.

I do understand the fear....I am thinking that no matter what.....don't give up the home base until you are absolutely, no if, ands, or buts certain.

Don't be dragged out to the dessert and then have the "now what?" moment.

These are just my thoughts and would love to hear the reviews of people that have bailed and are living the dream.....I haven't found many of those.

But, hell yeah, make some progress and go camp for 4 or 5 days......that is what I am going to do when the trailer is ready.
Maybe contact some lady friends that you met and see if you can caravan with them for a month. Camping solo can be pretty boring. Myself, I am always heading to town for something to do.
cherterr - You are awesome, maybe a little nutty in a good way, but even more awesome because of it.

Catherine - At least I hope you can see you'er not alone

bigsallysmom - How did we get into the backing-up practice? I thought this thread was about getting started and moving forward. LOL  Good advice though, ty
Right now you don't have anything you want to go and do that you are so excited about that nothing will hold you back from doing it.

You need what is known as a bucket list. Places you must go, things you must do, people you must visit. It only takes one item on the list to get you going out that driveway and into your new adventures.

You did the RTR so that was obviously a bucket list item. Now you need some more. Picking something that is an event with a specific date that is going to happen in the next month or two would be the best motivator.
Camp in your driveway/ law against that. This will give you confidence to know what you are doing. Once you establish what you need to be comfortable, pull the camper around town getting used to how it tows, and feels at highway speeds. Next, try going to a local state park campground where you can set up on a big lot, with few prying neighbors, and just get into the groove of camping. All of these will be huge confidence builders which will ultimately get you on the road in style.
fix the older van. That is a fear of being on the road and a breakdown. you know there are some issues so put it in for a wellness check and get it handled before you go on the road. You are better to have a good van on heading out then wishing you took the time to do just that and have a breakdown on the road.

best of luck....just go for it :) you have a nice apartment as a safety net, you can always return when needed. Just hit the road with a fixed van. You will truly see if this is right for you.
I just don't understand all the hesitation. I had a desire to get away all my life, first had to work and raise my son. When I retired I bought a van, built a bed in back and was gone!!! Only consideration was what type of vehicle, pulling something is scary, didn't want cost of upkeep on real RV, love the van, safe..can just hop in drivers seat to get away and low cost, can go anywhere.
I believe you really need to have it in your heart to be a nomad, unless of course are forced to.
Agreed crackedpan, if you are a true nomad at heart the open road calls with a bit of healthy fear we all might experience in there but it would never stop ya :)
RoamerRV428 said:
fix the older van.  "

(I think that was me.  Sorry, I'm not the Original Poster.. BUT... I have spent more $$ on fixing than the purchase price! ;)  Road ready as can be.
Inspiration IS the key! ;)  Glad I posted to this person's issue cause it helped ME figure out my problem.)

Yes, it's definitely the PULLING I don't want to do! Van will be crowded with dogs.. but hey.. I'm goin! Soon.
Hey... Catherine!!  Maybe we're just VANDWELLERS and not RVers!? :):)  I re- read your post and we are sooo similar.  Been out already, got RV.. and there they sit.  Hmm.. guess we could always rent them out for a little 'road money'!! :)

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