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Dec 19, 2017
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Hello everyone Greyhairlady here.  Don’t let the name fool ya. I have been living in my RV for a full year and a few months. Learned a lot about RV life and myself. I feel that Imp just getting started in life on the road and looking forward to adventures and meeting new people. 

I’m an Empath and healer and I build medicine wheels to heal the earth and the people that need a little positive place to meditate and to find peace.  Looking to meet like minded people who meditate and find peace in the positive experiences in life. I do believe in kindness and compassion towards others and towards oneself. 

Yes, like most I have a Youtube channel and believe that my wacky sense of humor is a part of who I am.

My back story is I ran a live TV network on line and produced 7 live shows a week and had over 5 millions people watch my shows and the other 6 shows. I lost my studio and had to start all over again. So I bought an old RV and made it mine and set out tocfind that spiritual part of me again. Being out in nature has been so healing to my life. I believe that life teaches us about ourselves and how to live a life of joy and peacefulness. It’s not the  destination that matters it’s the journey. 

I believe in kindness and compassion and give back to others as I walk on this path of life. 

Walk in peace, love, and joy. 

Greyhairlady Aka Mel
Welcome to the CRVL forums Greyhairlady!  Are you planning to atttend the RTR? If so there will be a meditation group gathering -
I deleted your YouTube link. New members must have 10 posts before including links. Please keep posting!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.
Would love to see your u-tube I have one it's under Jeremiah diminovich you're welcome to check it out I don't know how to post the link on tap talk I've tried a few times and it just says no connection even though I've got four G I will send you a picture of the link if that will help

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Frvwandering said:
Welcome to the CRVL forums Greyhairlady!  Are you planning to atttend the RTR? If so there will be a meditation group gathering -
I deleted your YouTube link. New members must have 10 posts before including links. Please keep posting!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.

Hi yes will be at RTR this year and thank you as I don’t know the rules as of yet. Life is huge learning curve. 

Hello and welcome. I too, am an Empath, though I am still on a path of growing and learning to embrace this life adventure.
Greyhairlady said:
Thank you for the welcome.... 


You're welcome ... LOL ... sorry, couldn't resist!

( I used to think I was smart until I found out what folks really meant by "wiseguy!")
I used to think I was smart until my 6 year old grandson showed me how to reprogram my phone and kicks my butt on every video game I can think of

Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk

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