New solo female..

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Aug 22, 2017
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San antonio
Hi Everyone !
My name is Debi. Just turned 62. Living in San Antonio. Selling my home and closing is first week in sept. Purchased a used 5th wheel.
Had big plans of starting out on texas coast with boyfriend of 15 yrs. Much to my surprise he changed his mind .so it will be the dog and I.  Have to hire Company to transport 5th wheel to a small rv park (he had the truck). Must say I am a bit nervous,  but u only live once.
Good luck on your new adventure! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way  :rolleyes:
Thanks I'm so glad to have found this website. Any advise on finding work in exchange for rv spot?
Can try workamper news, american land and leisure for workcamping. Others may have other suggestions, just a few Ive seen
Welcome to the CRVL forums Debi! The Texas coast is a good place to spend some time. Let us know how the move goes. And remember we're always here ready to answer any questions you may have.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
OutdoorFT said:
Can try workamper news, american land and leisure for workcamping. Others may have other suggestions, just a few Ive seen

Thank u will give it a try
Hi Welcome to the group! Good on your for continuing with your plans when your boyfriend fell through. That alone takes a bit of courage and guts so I think you'll find this lifestyle very satisfying.
DebiA said:
Any advise on finding work in exchange for rv spot?

Welcome, and congrats on continuing on with your plan. I'm sure you've already discovered cheaprvliving on YouTube but if not get there fast. Amazing resource. I did several YouTube searches for cheaprvliving and added the key words "work," job, earn, etc., and several videos came up. There are a few on workcamps which looks like what you are looking for initially.
Hi Doodah -
Watch Bob's youtube - you will find out so much information. Did you ponder getting a truck to pull it by yourself? Why won't that man tow it somewhere for you so you don't have to "hire" a transport company? I would be mad as a wet hornet if my man did that to me! Maybe since your status changed - no truck / no 2nd person your game plan can modify so you are not nervous? I'm sorry that happened to you - but don't you worry there are big adventures out there for you and the pup!
Welcome aboard ! is a site with free job listings is Workamper News magazine , the subscription is worth what you will find

I've seen listings on the S. TX coast area.

Also that area is a major tourist attraction in winter.
Areas like this always have businesses hiring temp seasonal help.
The Brownsville area is loaded with campgrounds that hire workampers but most are site only trade for work.

That boyfriend doesn't sound like much of a friend if he won't at least haul you down there and get you set up !!!!!!!!! ,,strangers here that will all be your friend better than that !

Ask any questions you have on the forums ,,
DebiA said:
Hi Everyone !
My name is Debi. Just turned 62. Living in San Antonio. Selling my home and closing is first week in sept. Purchased a used 5th wheel.
Had big plans of starting out on texas coast with boyfriend of 15 yrs. Much to my surprise he changed his mind .so it will be the dog and I.  Have to hire Company to transport 5th wheel to a small rv park (he had the truck). Must say I am a bit nervous,  but u only live once.
Hi Debi, my name is Pearl also 62. I understand your being nervous. I'm in the similar situation starting out alone and a bit nervous. Sometimes we have to just make the change on our own, then enjoy the benefits of being courageous. I will be making my move in September. Look forward to meeting you and the group.

Exhale@Last said:
Hi Debi, my name is Pearl also 62. I understand your being nervous. I'm in the similar situation starting out alone and a bit nervous. Sometimes we have to just make the change on our own, then enjoy the benefits of being courageous. I will be making my move in September. Look forward to meeting you and the group.

Hi, it looks like we could start an early sixties solo female club. I'm 61 and looking to go full time in January. I'm nervous, excited and, at moments, questioning my sanity.  But I know I will so regret it if I don't at least try a traveling lifestyle for a while. I hope to meet you both sometime.(RTR?)
Exhale@Last said:
Hi Debi, my name is Pearl also 62. I understand your being nervous. I'm in the similar situation starting out alone and a bit nervous. Sometimes we have to just make the change on our own, then enjoy the benefits of being courageous. I will be making my move in September. Look forward to meeting you and the group.


Hi Pearl
The storm but me back a bit here in texas, but still hoping the closing goes as planned. I was going to stay in Rock port for while but the town got hit by the hurricane pretty bad, not sure where to go now but I do need to find work. Keep in  touch.
Thanks, Debi
Hey Debi, I'm a complete newbie but read about your situation and... OMG you are in the FLOOD! Please update letting us/me know
that you're OK. If you ARE fine, how are things with your plans?


Hi everyone.. made it through the storm. Just roof damage and a lot of rain. I was going to work in a rv resort at the gulf coast but it is no longer there. It's sooo sad. Our little Island of Port Aransas was such a wonderful place. Now we are afraid that commercial corps will come along and buy everything up. So many family business gone along with the history of all the buildings and businesses. So now I will be looking for work at a different park. Don't know where yet. The closing on my house is a week from today. But I can't tell you how blessed I am by not having the damage that others are experiencing . I really would love to go and help rebuild.
Thanks in advance Debi

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