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New member
Aug 18, 2017
Reaction score
:) Hi Bob and fellow Forum members,

I thought I would introduce myself. My user name is Ravensgift, chosen many years ago because the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest, Coastal Canada and Alaska believe that the raven brought light to the world. As well,the raven is one of the most intelligent birds in the world, exhibits a sense of humor and loves to play.  Sometimes I have been accused of strange things because of the name but Shep, my husband, says I'm not all that strange.LOL  So now that is all clear, my real name is Jan.

I have come to love reading and watching everything I can about rv living, including van dwelling. We are indebted to Bob for sharing his knowledge, wisdom, and creating a community for all to gather, share, and get to know each other. 
We have decided that when our current responsibilities end in 2 years, we will sell our home and become full timers in some form of reasonably priced and efficient RV. Conversion vans are high on my list.  :idea:   We are not excessive in our consumption or possessions, but are simply burdened by being tied down to sticks and bricks. 

As retired Navy vets, we tend to get that "3 year Itch" to move. Our experience in the outdoors and with RVs of just about every variety, having spent years backpacking, fishing, hiking and mountain climbing (no more), we find we desire to return to that lifestyle more every day. Being in great health and young enough to follow our desires to hike and photograph all we can, we plan to stay predominantly, in the western states.

Currently we live completely off grid in a rural area of the island of Hawaii. We grow fruits and vegies, get plenty of water and solar electricity free, but are looking forward to returning to a more sane cost of living!  We look forward to enjoying and learning from the forums, and as time passes, being able to be active contributors.

Stay well and enjoy the beauty around you,

Welcome Jan and Shep to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. I hope you don't mind but I am moving your intro to the "Newcomers corner". highdesertranger
Welcome aboard !
We'll keep a light on for ya !
Thank you so much highdesertranger for getting the first post where it belonged.  I roamed and for some reason didn't find the correct place. :)

Welcome Jan. Where is Cindy and Marcia? I kid :D

Good to have you here