Thanks for being so welcoming! Ya'll rock! I will certainly pass on the good vibes. Seems like everyone here is very kind and humble. Most of us live in old piles of junk on wheels! But it's our junk and it's awesome!
Yep, it's a 4bt Cummins. I love this lil engine! Noisiest engine ever, but it's got a lot of torque for a 4cyl and the mileage is great. Think my ears were bleeding after I drove it 12 hours home from where I bought it. I kinda don't ever want a gas engine ever again. Diesels run forever and are much simpler to work on. I don't know why so many people are intimidated, they don't even have spark plugs!
On level ground, she can do 75mph. Overdrive is a must have, although it didn't work when I got her and it took some major transmission work to get the overdrive working. That's a whole other interesting story.
Being all aluminum, the weight is on par or lighter than some regular small steel vans. Will be kinda careful not to add too much when doing the build. And yes, I'll start a build thread this week. It will have highlights including trans rebuild, adding 4wd, falling off jackstands, and of course the indoor hot tub incident!