New guy in the corner

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New member
Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
i have been in the van-dweller community for about 8 years just been a reclusive person i have been a static van-dweller for the most part . but now as times have changed i have decided to venture out and meet all the people in this growing community .  hope to talk to all of you . just please no negative energy thank you
Welcome to the CRVL forums Ambling! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hi Ambling,

Good on you for stepping out and into the Unknown. Such changes requires cojones. I'm new here, too, and find people have been welcoming and helpful. There's such a depth of experience and knowledge among members that it will be an accomplishment if I can make a new contribution.

Thanks for bringing your experience to the site. I look forward to reading your posts.

You'll find that most of this crowd is somewhat similar, enjoying solitude but also connecting every once in awhile. I only stayed for one week of two at the last RTR. And, as always, you can always pull up stakes and move along. It is awesome to at least have people you are acquainted with.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

Yes, by all means do try to climb out of your shell entirely before you die.   ;) 

Introverts have an advantage in that they can stand at the edge of the crowd and
quickly figure out who the extroverts are.   Then figure who would be their best company.
I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself and meet plenty of people with similar values to yours.

.....and you may even wish you had done it sooner.   All the Best !
Welcome. Im an introvert in the city limits. Really puts me in a mood when Im eating dinner and I hear police sirens :D
Welcome amblingvanner!! Definitely need your expertise since you've been at it for awhile!
Welcome in from the solitary routine !
I see lots of new friends in your future !
Post up anywhere you think you can help
someone with your experience.