New guy in Cleveland

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New member
Jul 12, 2012
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Hello everyone. My name is Keith. I have had dreams of living in a van since my very early years. I can remember as far back as 1975 when my sisters were dating guys and hanging out with guys who had those custom painted vans with the interiors all made of crushed velvet. I remember watching Quincy and being jealous of him living on a boat. I love confined spaces. Let me tell you why I love confined spaces. I suffer from the severest form of agoraphobia. My agoraphobia did not allow me to travel far from my house. I mean less than 1000 feet from my house. I suffered from this for about fifteen years. I have always been uneasy about being away from home but it peaked at this point. Two years and five months ago I attempted suicide as I had had enough of this agoraphobia. I was put into a mental hospital for five days with nothing but a rubber pen and solitude to think about what I had done. There was a great deal of meetings and what they call therapy but it was ultimately up to me to get better. After the week was up I was released. I have not looked back. I have done some backsliding but I have been making gains ever since. Last summer I lived in a tent in a friends backyard. I had such a wonderful time. I have since bought a mobile home I could go to work daily with no problem. My work is over a mile away. Not much to anyone, but a huge thing for me. I don't like living in this mobile home. I want to go back to the tent but I cannot so I have decided to do the van thing. I hope to trade my mobile home here in the Cleveland suburbs for a van or sell it and outfit one. I look forward to reading and writing many posts.
Hi and welcome. glad that you found us. Sounds like a van is a perfect fit for you.
Welcome, Im also new. I moved into my pickup the beginning of this month and I love it. Remember we are a family here to help and encourage each other.
Thank you to everyone so far. I've read many a post so far and it is cool. I've learned a great deal already.
welcome fellow ohioan! i am from akron but lived in west park for 8 years. if you need anything let me know!
Welcome to the tribe Kieth, still in Ohio myself but working on makining plans for my dream.
Congrats on the new leaf in life.&nbsp; Keep on stepping just beyond your comfort zone...Like the first dunk in a cold lake, there is a bit of pain with some exhiliration, and then life gets comfortable and freeing...That is you Keith...keep on keepin on...See ya on the road.<br />Rae
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Welcome aboard, White Feather!&nbsp;</strong></span><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Hope U find vandwelling to your liking! :)<br /><br />(The smilies quit working for me, so I&nbsp;have <br />to make them the old-fashioned way) :-(<br /><br /></strong></span>
Welcome to the tribe Keith, hope to hear more from you in the future on your progress and good luck.
Welcome Keith! It sounds like you took the AGORAphobia disorder by the horns and kicked it's ass! Nice work dude! You get mad props for that buddy. I will also be living in my Van in a few months. I hope to hear more from you on how you worked your way through your disorder and if it helps you to enjoy your new found freedom. I can only imagine how liberating it has to be!&nbsp;<br /><br />Best of luck in your search for your new home.&nbsp;
Hi, Keith! So good to have you here...welcome home!<br /><br />I went through a long period of agoraphobia, although mine was not as severe as yours. Mine was part of a general anxiety disorder and OCD. even when I did leave my house, I could not go anywhere that I had never been before. &nbsp;You know how limiting that can be. When my therapist moved to a new office a few blocks away, I got a new therapist :) no kidding! That ended up being the best thing, cause my new therapist suggested I live in a van and go on the road. Didn't happen overnight, but my family was shocked when I eventually loaded up the van and headed west. (she sleeps in parking lots, they exclaim!) Several cross country trips later, they still marvel. So do I!!!<br /><br />I have a home base in northeast PA but even when I'm here I pretty much live in the van. The world is my home, experienced from my safe little space in the van. I am pretty symptom free, especially when I am on the road. I have never been so happy in my life.&nbsp;<br /><br />I had one of those really dark days on a back dirt road with a shotgun. I am so glad you too survived your dark days, and are here to share your journey. I look forward to your posts!<br /><br />Kate