New Family looking to RV

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Oct 29, 2012
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Hello <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />We are a family living in Ohio and have made the decision to buy an RV and move to Florida. We lived there about 3 years ago and miss it very much. We have 2 children ages 6 and 8, and a dog. I plan to stay "home" and homeschool our children while my husband works (cdl). We are set on the treasure coast area and south, but would be open to southern gulf coast. The school year ends June 2013 and we want to be ready to head out. Has anyone here had experience with rv living with kids? Any suggestions on places to park? RV parks? What to look for in an RV? We want a c class (I think?) or older winnebago,&nbsp;and have a $6000 budget for the rv itself. Thanks all <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Welcome, Magipie (and family)!&nbsp; Sorry, I'm not going to be much help in the advice department, as I'm still in the planning stages, myself, and my kids are grown and gone.&nbsp;&nbsp; As for purchasing your RV, I recommend looking on Craigslist.&nbsp; Post the link here if you want input from our resident experts. There is a wealth of experience here, I hope you find what you need.
Good luck!!!!<br /><br />I had 2 (teenage girls) and myself in a minivan before, it was enough to decide THAT was a bad idea.&nbsp; So don't settle with a minivan <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; Otherwise, sorry I don't have any advice.&nbsp; So far I've never made it to Florida, but hope to someday.<br /><br />The benefit to small living spaces tho, is that chances are you will all learn how to communicate thru whatever issues you have, or you will kill each other.&nbsp; I vote for the communicate option personally <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara
Welcome Magpie from New Mexico,<br /><br /> Not much help from me either...I don't like the east and my kids have kids...but I do welcome you and am sure it can be done just fine. here are others on here with ideas and help I am sure...if not then some will know where to look for the answers...<br />Bri
Welcome. The Treasure Coast area is where I spend a bit of time most every year. Parts of it is very rough and wooly. Try Sopchoppy and Panacea areas. Down home hard working folk there that will accept outsiders.
<span id="post_message_1275502151"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span id="post_message_1275493363" style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Welcome Magpie! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />Bob</span></strong></span></span>
<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" />
<span style="font-size: medium;">welcome Magpie, I have a 24ft TT and this last summer spent it with granddaughter 12, and nephew 15, we had the greatest summer. We built a cookstove outside from recycled brick. We added a pizza oven next to it as they really needed one. We planted a garden, dug our own well point, built an outdoor shower with an hot water heater for a holding tank to let water warm from sun (not hooked up to electric). My grandaughter actually read some books. It can get tough on rainy days but we love card and board games. It was a great spring and summer was sad when school started again. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Good Luck enjoy</span>
Geez gave your grandchild and nephew something they'll never forget...Good for you.&nbsp; I'm sure you&nbsp;built some independence skills in those kids.&nbsp; That can be you Magpie!!!&nbsp; I wish you the best of luck on your new lifestyle.<br /><br />Rae
Many moons ago my ex and I took our kids on a RV tour of the East coast down to Florida and up through Tennessee into Ohio and back over to MA. we were on the road about 9 months. we home schooled all 3 of our kids until high school age. they were 12, 9, 6 yrs old at the time.<br />we visited historical sites for history lessons, nature hikes for science and grocery shopping to help with math. We used the A-Becka curriculum which is very good.<br /><br />There are home school associations all across the country. find one in the area you are headed and you can set up play dates and group field trips and parental support.<br /><br />As for we had an old Tioga class C and did ok but it was a bit cramped after dinner when everyone was trying to get ready for the evening and bed time. Speaking of bed time: if you can find an RV with rear bedroom you should consider it as a good choice. (they have ones with rear bunks too) We didn't have that, we had the cab over, fold down dinette and a jack knife sofa. plenty of room but horrible for the adults when the kids needed to get to sleep at 7pm and you need to be ultra quiet.<br /><br />As for rv parks.. we did a lot of KOA camps. We found these to be very family friendly and extra clean.<br />They have a club you can join for a discount and at the time we found the weekly rate doable for us.<br /><br />oh, and did I mention we also squeezed in our crazy Lab. She loved the adventure too.<br /><br />
Work on a budget. Koa might charge $25 a night. That's a lot of cash monthly at $750 a month.&nbsp;
Hi there! I live in FL in an RV with a 10 year old. Please do research on the rv parks down here. There are a lot of them, but a lot of them are also age restricted to 55/65 and older. There will be family parks, but they are usually a little more expensive.

You can keep an eye out on Craigslist in the parking section and you'll occasionally come across a cheaper rv spot on private property for rent. You can also place an ad there too. Don't overlook mobile home parks either. We're currently parked in one and paying around 300/month.

I know work camping is sometimes available in one of the state parks down here and on Craigslist under the gigs section, under the rv section, and sometimes on the for rent section. I've also seen people on private property offer an rv space in return for working around their ranch/farm.

Whatever you do, don't wait last minute, start searching now, contact people and build up a network.

Good luck to you!
Welcome to the tribe! You might find it useful to post your information at

It is the place to go to find travel buddies and or mentors! If you go to the website and it says soemthing like page not found, ignore it and go to one of the links at the top of the page, like Travel Buddies, or Travel Mentors.

It is a new sight and doesn't yet have alot of peole on there but I beleive it will grow over time. By posting your information (use "comments", you will help it to grow.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

[email protected]

Good luck! I traveled with a 9-10 year old and homeschooled! It was fantastic.