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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2012
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For a few different reasons, I am looking into Van Dwelling. Unfortunately there seem to be quite a few hurdles to over come. I'll probably start a few new posts in the various areas as questions come up.<br /><br />Basically I am looking at trading my 1 bedroom apartment in for a van, not just to save money, but to also simply my lifestyle.<br /><br />Dealing with harsh winter months, a couple of medical issues and answering other questions before I begin will be key.
Hey, HWJ, welcome from New Mexico.....glad to have you with us......hope you find what you are looking for....<br />Bri
<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;Welcome to the forum!
Welcome, HWJ.&nbsp; There are a lot of us new people here.&nbsp; I'm in the early planning stages myself, and everyone in this group is so helpful!!&nbsp; What area of the country are you in?&nbsp; Check out the "Classifieds" section when you're ready to buy. I know some of us posts great deals there when we come across them.
<p style="text-align: left;">Hi HWJ &amp; welcome to the group!<br /><br />We all have decided at some point to live the "mobile" lifestyle for a any number of reasons. You have your own reasons for making this decision. You'll find a great deal of information in this fourm to help you if that's what you really want to do with your life.<br /><br />Enjoy!&nbsp;</p>
<p>Hi HWJ,</p><p>Welcome aboard.&nbsp; This is a great place to hang around and learn from each other.&nbsp; I also have some medical conditions (diabetes and sleep apnea).&nbsp; The diabetes is SO much better after a year of vandwelling and camping&nbsp;(no more insulin or pills) and the sleep apnea is doing great (machine runs on 12 volts DC and due to fewer breathing problems I can run with less air pressure.<br /><br />I'm sure whatever medical concerns you have might also have been experienced by others.&nbsp; Many will share their experiences.<br /><br />Yeah, I'm not a fan of harsh winters, either.&nbsp; We only got down to minus 8 last year but it was doable.&nbsp; I can deal with the hot summers better...<br /><br />Anyway, greetings!</p><p>V.T.</p>