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May 15, 2011
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Have any of you tried using Netflix for your movie watching in your van? &nbsp;I see some of you have 19 in. TVs and what not so instead of wasting space with DVDs you could just stream through Netflix and that way the selection changes all the time so you can have something new daily.<br><br>As for installing it, I think you can get Netflix on Android phones and some of the phones have HDMI out that you can plug into your TV. &nbsp;This wouldn't be very power consuming, besides the already installed TV, and would work great, IMO.<br>
Unless you're in an are where you can grab WiFi, I think it could get a little expensive on the data charges through say a phone, or a rocket stick, but I'm not too sure.<br><br>I have a post here about what I do. If you have a laptop, you can easily do away with your DVD's (I'd keep them stored somewhere, perhaps with family?) by "ripping" them to your hard drive in .avi format. I have hundreds of movies on my little 500GB hard drive (it's almost full), and I can watch pretty much anything, whenever. The only problem really, is when you finally watch them all, do you keep them, and watch them again at a later date?, or get rid of them to make room for new ones you buy?<br><br>I personally keep them, because I don't mind rewatching a movie a month later. I go through movies like mad, and even at $9 a pop at WalMart, it can start to add up, so I borrow movies, and&nbsp;TV box sets from friends as well.<br>
If you're someplace with no wifi then it's moot. However if you're someplace with an open wifi connection but it's weak, you can use a Wi-Fry setup. It's basically a parabolic antenna that helps to boost the signal.<div><br></div><div><br></div><div>The parts</div><div>1. 10-12" Chinese dumpling fry scoop</div><div>2. usb wifi adapter</div><div>3. 6-12 foot usb cable</div><div><br></div><div>The how ..</div><div>Punch a hole in the center of the scoop and mount the usb wifi adapter there. Connect the cable to it, then your laptop, and point.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>The initial tests conducted with the early versions saw the guys getting signals from up to 3 miles away. It was a group of guys in New Zealand pointing it at neighboring island where someone had an open wifi port.&nbsp;</div>
You can borrow movies from the library for free.&nbsp; The county Library system here, has over 34,000 titles and it's not a big library system!&nbsp; <br><br>I sue netflix at home. Somedays,&nbsp;there's a lot of throttling/buffering.&nbsp; So much, that it's impossible to watch, sometimes.&nbsp; Fortunately, someone else is paying for it because I sure wouldn't!<br><br>Check out my blog, today, I'm listing all the free,safe websites I know of for movies and television.<br>
<font face="Georgia" size="3">
cyndi said:
You can borrow movies from the library for free.<br>
<br><br>That's what I do! A lot of states have inter-library loan too. </font><br>
I did the Netflix trial and did not continue to use it after. I tether my lappy off my phone and depending where I am parked the signal strength varies. I do use Crackle. Its free (has commercials) and if the signal won't support video streaming I don't feel ripped off.