Needed: Soul reset.

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2013
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Not sick of my home, just sick of where I've been parking my home.

And I am not sick of my parking spot, or my neighbors whom I consider friends, but I am sick of the multitudes who live in this corner of the USa, and the attitudes of these multitudes who are so overwhelmed with their own self importance, and need to portray this in each and every interaction with those around them..

Perhaps I am being a hypocrite. Perhaps not.

In February of 2001 I returned to this country, after travelling overseas for 3 years.

My first experience on my return, was LAX. When the plane was circling Los Angeles preparing for landing, signalling the end of an epc journey, I was looking down at the sprawling masses, part of me was wishing the plane would just crash, and 13.5 years later now, I am again wishing it did.

Thankfully, then, a longtime friend drove 2 hours to retrieve me from this hell which is Los Angeles. The next morning, I decided to walk someplace to get breakfast, meet some locals, acclimatize to my new surroundings, as I did in a dozen other countries, but everybody avoided eye contact. Could not be bothered, or were perhaps fearful of anybody seeking even the merest acknowledgement we were sharing the same piece of sidewalk for even a second.

It's 13 + years later now, I've owned this van since a few months after returning, and I'm 2 hours from LAX again, but it is the same thing, and I'm so sick of it.

I know not everybody is just a self important douchebag, but it certainly seems like that is the goal of 99% of the people. Some have achieved it, the others wish they could, and the rest seem to be trying their damndest to be the biggest ass hat they possibly can in their quest for important douchebag status.

Nothing is keeping me here but fear of escaping my comfort zone.

But there is no comfort, other than a legal, level parking spot. It sickens me that this, and lack of funds, has kept me so immobile as of late.

I should be on the road this time tomorrow. Driving at night, as there is nothing I want to see that I already have not seen, in this SW corner bordering the Pacific, and traffic enrages me. It's just a four lane highway filled with suburbia for 150 miles, and all of the humans seem obsessed with more more more, and who has more, and how they can get more, and none of them seem to be able to pull their smart phones from their faces, or their shitty attitudes from their personas.

I hope to reestablish some contact with some good people I lost contact with years ago. My fault, not theirs. Guilt.

After that, I hope to find a spot somewhere further north, where I am the only human for miles around, and just absorb that feeling. I'm so alone anyway figuratively, I might as well be physically too.

It's one thing to be alone in an unpopulated area, entirely different to be totally and overwhelming alone when surrounded by the masses of those to whom one cannot relate, and no longer cares to try.

I hope to find.......... I don't know. Perhaps just a little bit of friendliness, and all I know is that that, is in short supply around here.

The road calls.

FU Southern California. FU.

F effing U!

I'll be checking in if/ when I have 3g or 4gLTE connectivity, but I don't enjoy typing on my Phone and will not be participating much here, if at all, for a while. If/When I do, I'll be skipping spelling and proper grammar entirely, but I need to digitally detox too.

If you all see some members here with 12v DC issues or questions, where I'd normally chime in with my 2 cents, know that I'll be out of touch for a few weeks and will likely do no chiming.

Hopefully my van is as mechanically sound as I think it is, because I really need it to take me away from here. I need a soul reset, and that is not going to happen here, as all I feel is the hate which everybody here seems to relish in.
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You'll be missed SternWake. I left SoCal in 1989 for the same reasons.

Take good care
I believe there to be a condition that can exist at times known where one can become 'soul sick'. I know it and it sounds like you too have self-diagnosed. Best not to let it consume though. Go on retreat, blessed that you're able to, and perhaps further count blessings, the years of travel and the luxury that represented.

Local society is due to relearn the ancient lesson why Narcissus was lured by Nemesis to the poolside, where in turn he was so obsessed that he starved to death, admiring himself.
I look forward to when you will come back with renewed strength and a clear soul.
As I stumble through life (i do mean stumble) the meaningless mundane and self-centered people even people I love and have known for a long time get to me. Getting older 67 losing my teeth drinking too much and working too hard not to mention relationships on the rocks, a few things do brighton my day. I have been known to pull out a record by THE MOTHERS called "Absolutely Free" Check back with me young man.
SternWake, Many share your feelings and understand them. There are lots of wonderful, caring, thoughtful people around. I hope you find them, or that they find you. Take care
Come up North young man. We've got somma the friendliest folks I've ever met around these parts. (and I've covered 'em all...which is why I settled here.)

but this is also a valid reason for owning and living in a van. If you're not comfortable where you're at, then fire up the mil, and find yourself a new spot to renest into.
If the new location doesn't meet your standards, then keep doing it until you find the place that 'fits'.

Here's to hoping you find such a place! GodSpeed! :D
I will miss your posts; I have learned so much from you.

I wish the best for you and hope that you find some peace where ever you land. And people who still look others in the eye when they pass and smile for no reason at all. There are still some out there.

Take good care of yourself.
I can absolutely understand your feelings. We (H and I) hate cities, but gird our souls to pass through them if we have to.
The thing I tell myself, is that every person you see or don' every building, in every a human pretty much like me..just not able to be free. Everyone is not bad or mean. I had to drive in Florida and I made a deal with myself..if someone tried to pass me..I went slower, pulled over more and let 5 pass me. It kept me from that abrasive soul-pain you get in a city.
I smiled at everyone, and of course most ignored me, but I kept on being me.

We (H and I) traveled on and off for 30 years..from one end of the country to the other and on every highway up or down in the US..we traveled to, through or stayed for awhile in every state.
To keep your inner calm, just see those other people as ...other people...with hopes and dreams, sadnesses and angers..just like yours.
We cannot hate, en masse' everyone because we don't know everyone. advice. Get the F out of! We have a place in N. Cal now..mountains..people smile, speak, are kind..and dress funny like us. Get out of the city end of Calif.
We are getting ready for a trip..heading south believe it or not..but we know San Diego will hang out there for a bit then head for the desert in SE Cal.

I hope you find your peace.
You don't know me but I know your feelings.

It's a little hot yet but soon there will be many good, like-minded vandwellers gathered in Arizona in the beautiful desert.

Those are the two things I've found that are best for all that ails me, good people and the wonder of nature.

You're welcome to join us and find your own healing.

Life is much too short to be unhappy. I simply won't tolerate it and neither should you. :)
SternWake, I can't even tell you the number of times this year that I have felt stuck or brainfogged with little van projects in my Previa, and gone back and re-read a post of yours that was a reply to one of mine, or one where you are waxing poetic about fans or solar or whatever, and I snapped out of the evil overwhelming glow of the laptop computer zombie stare, literally lept out of my chair, went outside and took some real tangible action on building stuff instead of sitting around thinking and designing stuff in my head all the time. Thank you for that and may you find some peace and healing while you are away. I know for me I need and sometimes greatly prefer the company of Redwood trees to other humans. They're up there waiting for you too.
OOps on the double post..sorry.

Your Blog/forums about Vandwelling were what we needed to get back out there..we have a good van for it and needed something like this website for a push. Thanks to your blog we found out we have to have a permanent address now to do anything. We kept our apt. which we could never duplicate, but we will be out in our van doing the living.
Doubt if we can make it next trip to RTR, but we used to go to Quartzsite a lot and it was a great place even then. Someday we might get there, but we are more introverted than maybe even you are..:) so you will probably never know.
Just got our wi-fi hotspot device..just piled up lots of freeze-dried MRE food..just fixed our bed so we can store more stuff. We bought new tires and had a new windshield installed.
Keep it going, are helping more people than will ever tell you that you did.

Thanks for the kind words all.

I slept way longer than I should have and have yet to leave my Van as of yet.

I've got a few things I need to do before I leave, Like lining up some work for when I do return, and a few tasks for the parking spot lord, and might not get on the road tonight. Though I'd really like to wake up elsewhere and meet the first significant westerly swell of the season elsewhere and with a different attitude.

I'll be going up into the Sierras, but out in the ocean is where things make sense to me, but unfortunately the greedy crowds, of which I am one, can make such a blessed experience infuriating.

Yesterday I paddled way outside to beyond the kelp beds just to be as far away from people as I could get, but it was not far enough.
As the old saying goes, 'If you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen'. Why anyone would want to be within two hours of LA is beyond me. What kinds of people would you expect to live in major cities? I meet some wonderful people in my travels but they are not in metro areas. Not saying all city folk are bad or even obnoxious but their mindset is different. Good grief, it has to be! I lived in Seattle for nearly 20 years and have BTDT. God bless, SternWake! Hope you find some peace.
SternWake I'd also like to thank you for helping me with your posts here. I'm still a newbie here and have had several good ppl here ask "did you ask SternWake about this?" You are clearly a benefit to the forums here and will be missed. Hopefully wherever you decide to go to you won't wander too far from these forums.

Good luck finding a place you enjoy!
You remind me of that classic movie, Falling Down, where the Los Angeles guy had enough of it all and goes ballistic.

I've visited Southern California many times, and like you, I don't care for the peeps. I'm in Northern Calif and the peeps here aren't much better. I've grown tired of the people here myself.

Everyone here is also preoccupied in keeping up with the Jones, Smiths, Andersons, and every other wage slave hamster on the treadmill. Sh!t gets old. I've lost interest. My new philosophy in life is simple but profound (at least to me, it is): "if I can't be rich, at least I can try to be happy instead".

I hope to one day skip the country and settle in some tropical paradise far from here where I will enjoy a completely new lifestyle. I think that would make me happy.
“I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular.”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

Take Care, My Friend.
I've always lived on farms until I started vandwelling. To my surprise, I found myself mostly staying in cities now. That's where it is easy to find a spot to park overnight, the gyms, restaurants, libraries, Redboxes, gas stations, work, etc. BLM is a bit remote and there is no place to park in farmland area. It's been an adjustment getting used to city noise and the amount of people around but for the most part I have adapted. I do take frequent short trips to the mountains or coast to refresh.
People are often interesting one on one but rarely in mass. I have been able to mostly ignore people, treating them as an obstacle course when walking or driving thru swarms of them. But living in cities is a new experience for me and I'm not jaded yet. Perhaps someday I'll be the one running screaming for the hills.