My Van Has a Mind of it's Own! - Help!!

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You say it happens as you come to a stop. Does it feel like the engine is being killed as if you were driving a manual transmission and forget to take it out of gear when applying the brakes? If so, it could be that the lockup torque converter is not disengaging.
@ slowday - no, it just seems to quietly come to a low idle and just kill over.
ziggy no ideas at the moment but your problem sound exactly like my buddies dodge.  highdesertranger
also I think you are saying leaving the key off will not work because of the steering wheel interlock.  just remove the interlock I hate those things anyway.  unless you have all those electronic interlocks steering wheel, transmission,  brakes.  I hate those even worse,  this is one reason why I hate newer vehicles to much useless junk to go bad.  highdesertranger
@ <strong>highdesertranger</strong> - Being that I'm handicapped when it comes to all things electrical, I thought it best to just remove and replace. <span id="post_message_1278237385">Wonder what she has in store for me this coming week! <br><br>She tires me.... but I love that ole dodge van.<br id="post_message_1278237385"></span>
<span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 0);"><strong><span id="post_message_1278247293" style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">@ highdesertranger - I agree with you about all the complicated, sometimes useless and definitely not necessary stuff they put in cars and trucks now; just more to break and pay to have repaired for lack of the proper tools, diagnostics, etc.<br><br>Three things that have been added to most vehicles as standard (since I have became a driver at at age 15 in 1954) that I do believe are good additions are:<br> air conditioning, disc brakes, and cruise control.<br><br>Bob</span></strong></span>
well stude I will agree with the disc brakes.&nbsp; the cruise control is nice but I live without.&nbsp; as far as the ac I plead the 5th.&nbsp; highdesertranger
Well, I'm almost afraid to post this as a follow-up..... but since my last post (6-2-13 / regarding a stall) I haven't had another stall - knock on wood.<br><br>The only other thing I did since my last post, was use a rubber mallet to bang on the <span id="taw" style="margin-right: 0;"><span class="ac ads-creative">Catalytic Converter - I read somewhere that a bad </span></span><span id="taw" style="margin-right: 0;"><span class="ac ads-creative"><span id="taw" style="margin-right: 0;"><span class="ac ads-creative">catalytic converter</span></span> could cause stall issues, and that banging with mallet and listening for something loose was indication of bad converter. Well I banged, didn't hear much, but may have knocked something out of the way... who knows! <br><br>Anyway, one month plus, stall free!!<strong><br></strong></span></span>