My Stealth habits

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2014
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Hello All

I am looking for some suggestions on how to stealth camp with my work/lifestyle habits

I work a swing shift.... when I get "home" at two or three in the morning I usually spend several hours watching movies, getting something to eat, being online etc

How might I accomplish this parked in a city neighborhood ?

Would it be best to do my relaxing in one location 2AM to 6AM and then when I am ready to sleep at 6-8AM move the van sleep until noon to 2 pm

Belchfire said:
Hello All

I am looking for some suggestions on how to stealth camp with my work/lifestyle habits

I work a swing shift.... when I get "home" at two or three in the morning I usually spend several hours watching movies, getting something to eat, being online etc

How might I accomplish this parked in a city neighborhood ?

Would it be best to do my relaxing in one location 2AM to 6AM and then when I am ready to sleep at 6-8AM move the van sleep until noon to 2 pm


IIWM I'd be parking the 2AM to 6 to 8 AM shift in a location that has 24 hour operation (all night donut shop/grocery store etc). As long as the lights are blocked out or maybe even if they're not no one will pay attention. And since you're awake anyways, traffic movement and people talking is not going to bother you.

When you're ready to sleep you can be parking somewhere nice like a park setting/trail head for the day. A sun vent in your front window and the rest of the windows blocked out won't look too out of will look like you're somewhere on the trail or in the park. Park at the far corner of the parking lot furthest from the activity area and you're not likely to be bothered.
Belchfire said:
Hello All

I am looking for some suggestions on how to stealth camp with my work/lifestyle habits

I work a swing shift.... when I get "home" at two or three in the morning I usually spend several hours watching movies, getting something to eat, being online etc

How might I accomplish this parked in a city neighborhood ?

Would it be best to do my relaxing in one location 2AM to 6AM and then when I am ready to sleep at 6-8AM move the van sleep until noon to 2 pm


I usually work days but sometimes, once in a while, I have to work nights. The last time this happen was a couple months ago, and what I did was go right to sleep. We were working till 3.30am, sometimes a little later. I would get about 8 hours of sleep, get up around 12 noon, and then I would have 7 hours before I had to start work again. Gave me lots of time. Much more than if I had stayed up a few hours, then go to sleep, then wake up and go to work.
May not work for you but in that particular time and place it worked perfect for me.
I worked nights (11:00 pm to 7:00 am) and lived in a van for 6 years. It's much easier to stealth park during the day than it is at night because no one thinks you are sleeping and most often sleeping in the day is not illegal. I was sleeping in a park one time and a cop rousted me and said I couldn't camp there and I said I wasn't, I was just relaxing and I said I thought camping was overnight. He had to agree and I never saw him again.

Two problem with stealth parking in the day:

1) Noise--lots of activity and people coming and going and car doors slamming.
2) Heat--it's hotter during the day.

What worked for me -- pull into a Shop-Rite / Wallbalms ( 24 hour best ) -- pull close to the street - "for sale" sign in the front window - close curtains / lock door -- zero problems ---

^^^ P/S -- once in a while - there was a note under the wipers -- "How Much" ?