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Well-known member
May 18, 2019
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Hello dear people.....

i planned to work one more year, then get my van, but now something is not right with me (does that qualify to join VARC ? )
my (self) diagnosis is CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), as i have most of the symptoms...i went to the VA hospital yesterday for blood test's and so far everything is normal.....but i don't feel normal....going to work has been a real strain on i told my boss (today) i'm taking time off until i get back to normal...i'm usually very energetic for my age and weight, and have been working my ass off at my job for 14 years never being sick or missing work....but when i go to work now , it exhausts me and i need to take a few days off to recover....but just barely recovering.....

i am so happy for those that are living this life & loving it . But i know that i am half crazy so don't put it past me to find a way to do this no matter what....i  am living in a chronic state of fight or flight....right now things are calm....but there will come a day when i just can't take it anymore and will flee....and the nomad life will be my life when i do.......

Living an authentic life is a wonderful treatment for any ailment. I hope you're able to follow your dreams!
PERFECT !!  That leaves me with no other choice  !!    Maybe my body is rebelling and shutting down because it's trying to tell me something !!!!   I KNOW for a fact i've FORCED myself to work at my job ONLY for the paycheck to pay my bills...and have been in a relationship that i don't want to be in....and every time i leave i am HAPPY ....i've been torturing myself....
P.S. I just realized who this was! Welcome back
Chronic fatigue can be a symptom of depression. A job you don't want to work and and a relationship you don't want to be in can certainly be the cause of an underlying mild depression. Of course fatigue like yours can also be caused by seasonal effect disorder with not as much daylight time or it c. But blood test to rule out things such could be caused by a sleep issue or a combination of all of the above none of which will show up on a blood test. But of course blood testing will reveal things such as iron deficiency, low thyroid, blood sugar issues and other types of thing that will show up in a blood test.

Mild depression often responds to taking an extra supplement of the mineral chromium. It is a precursor for endorphin production and it is recommended by the American diabetes foundation for helping to regulate blood sugar. Not something to take if you are already on diabetic medication. But it is something you can find in the vitamin supplement aisle at the grocery and drug stores and might be worth trying. It works for me and keeps me out of the mild depression issues. It also means I don't wake up in the mornings dragging from low blood sugar, something that can occur for some persons with the overnight fasting period.

Best of luck sorting it all out and getting back to feeling happier and more energized.
 taking an extra supplement of the mineral chromium.

Thanks for that...that's one supplement i have never taken !  I am not diabetic, which amazes me....nor have a thyroid issue....i have lived in 4 seasons most of my life, and have never had this type of fatigue due to seasonal depression...but i have been through chronic stress the past 30 years....which is now catching up with me i think...

All I can say is that as I get older I have less energy. That is true for the majority of people but of course there are exceptional people who are like the Energizer bunny. What your doctor might say is the cure is to get more exercise because it increases energy as well as relieves stress. That is of course very true, it will do much to improve your life. However it is not my favorite solution as I have some chronic pain conditions that make that into a true no pain no gain scenario, meaning the treatment is far more painful to go through than leaving things at the current status. But because I know the facts and the cure I can't sit around complaining about feeling tired when I fully understand that I am not doing anything about it by my own choice. I fully know that there is no magic pill to swallow that will improve things, that it is up to me to hit the gym or at a minimum go for a hike, climb some stairs, hop on a bicycle, go for a swim, etc.
Keeping moving is sure difficult for me this time of year and seems to get harder every year I age.
Well.....i am normally very active. And walk a lot and am constantly busy doing things...but when I get home from work all I do is sit because I am tired after working all day....but the tiredness I’m experiencing now is like nothing I have ever experienced before....I think it’s different than just being older &’s like I gained 500 pounds over night...and I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck....

But I do love yoga and try to do a little of that
I should do more though... it does make me feel better ...
Sofisintown said:
Remember to sit in sun when you can, during the noon hours.
And hang is there sunshine, we now ought to live a VERY long time, to get our money back! :D

Well, Sofi....ilive where the sun don't shine ...much...haha...i like your philosophy  :heart:
I’m visiting the Midwest, the cold is making me go into hibernation mode. I was amazed at my uncle’s house how the sun through his glasses screen door and windows warmed the living room. If you can find a spot like that at home, or an atrium at a mall, hospital, or library...maybe that will help.

What you describe reminds me of being terribly anemic. I thought I had cancer. I couldn’t get out of bed, was crashing early, etc. I had just got my life back together after several huge setbacks, so it wasn’t depression. I had fibroids...simple surgery trimmed them back and after about 6 months on iron, I bounced back. Since then, I’ve had some slow downs due to aging, but Estroven has helped (it’s available in genertics and Costco has one without caffeine if needed).

Just a few more things to check. I agree the job and relationship can be culprits (may be multiple causes), as my head was so clear after leaving a negative environment and going on my trial run last month that friends hear it in my voice!

Take care...wishing you renewed energy and freedom!

Gypsy108 said:
Well, Sofi....ilive where the sun don't shine ...much...haha...i like your philosophy  :heart:

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sub2rainEN said:
What you describe reminds me of being terribly anemic. 
 I agree the job and relationship can be culprits 
Take care...wishing you renewed energy and freedom!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm not anemic according to the blood tests, and i have no other symptoms of fibroids.
Yes, I think the job & relationship have taken a toll on me...
Thank you  :heart:
Sorry for your troubles. :(

It has been my experience that living and dealing long term with toxic relationships, at home and/or at work, can normalize experiences that are really harmful to us so that we no longer see them for what they are.

We then spend a tremendous amount of emotional energy pushing the feelings away so that we can maintain some semblance of functioning.

It all takes a toll on us over time.

If it feels bad, it is bad, in my experience, and I wish you strength as you sort thru this.

As a 70+ senior, i have found it is critical to keep moving whether I feel like it or not, to keep my energy level up and to avoid the stiffening and aching that come from being sedentary.

I also take a fair number of supplements, including glucosamine for my joints.

Good luck.
Yes, i agree we tend to normalize the trauma, but our soul or subconscious (whatever it is) KNOWS what is going on...and TRYS to tell us...but we don't listen or can't listen...for whatever reason....i know in my own case my "higher self" was trying to tell me in dreams & my intuition....but i was too unconscious to realize that until it was too late......

Normally i'm moving around a lot (at work), but now I'm not working, and need to get into a routine far i've just been sitting around and relaxing because my life has changed so much and my mind is going in all directions trying to figure things out....i know i'll eventually snap out of it and do something....i know its either sink or swim....and i refuse to sink...

Now i gotta get some [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] glucosamine .....tha't another one i'm not doing !!!

Thank you WanderingRose for your much appreciated input  :heart:
I agree. We know on some level, but are expending so much energy just surviving that we push it to the side.

Maybe a sweet rescue dog, to get you out for a walk every day.

Gypsy108 said:
PERFECT !!  That leaves me with no other choice  !!    Maybe my body is rebelling and shutting down because it's trying to tell me something !!!!   I KNOW for a fact i've FORCED myself to work at my job ONLY for the paycheck to pay my bills...and have been in a relationship that i don't want to be in....and every time i leave i am HAPPY ....i've been torturing myself....

Sounds to me like a perfect recipe for serious illness and/or depression.

You need to find a way to stop doing at least one of those things.
jacqueg said:
Sounds to me like a perfect recipe for serious illness and/or depression.

You need to find a way to stop doing at least one of those things.
Yes....I quit my job recently and now I’m planning my escape....I already bought  some land to live on...
Exciting about the acreage. What part of the state is it in, if you don't mind saying?