I'd like to be to have a real camper van, really would, to get the built ins, I'd deal with the problems they have yet where I am if you are noticeable then that's not good.. The average motel manager/clerk or the average apartment manager or asst manager will notice the Popular 190 or 210 series because they don't look like what they normally see. They will somewhat notice the high top van because they see them sometimes but not very often. They won't notice any low top van unless the color scheme is wild or there is body damage or if there are really flashy graphics. They will notice rooftop solar unless it's buried on a cargo van between the ladder racks.
Every time I drive into a place and check it for a possible parking spot I notice the vehicles that immediately seem out of place. Usually they are commercial vehicles with big signs or the occasional class C. I don't even pay attention to plain cargo, low top conversion or even the mild roofed conversion vans. I will look twice at a high roof window van just cause I want one. So to keep stealth high, I have to own and live in something that blends in.
If you want to live urban most of the time you have a rough time with all the solar panels or a high top Sprinter. If you want to live where and how Bob does then you'd better have the 400 watts of solar or you won't have dependable power. It's just a trade off.
Again, drive a little more, replace your battery every couple years, pay for a hookup and use a battery charger to force feed your house battery. Find a friend and beg a plug in for a night every 2 weeks and charge it. Go for a long drive once a week just to charge it up. For the price of a few gallons of gas or an overnight rv park hookup, you are saving what, $700-1500 in monthly rent, depending on where you live? It's not that expensive to keep your house battery up. I mean buy 2 wallyworld marine batteries every 6 months for crying out loud, it's still cheaper than half a months rent...
As long as you plan your power usage, invest in LEDs, hang out in malls, bookstores, coffee shops or spend some additional time at work, the gym, or in the library, you won't spend a lot of time in your van. Go for long walks, ride a bus for the length of your token, window shop, nurse a cup of coffee or tea for 2 hours, there's ways to not be in that van...