My pets are plants

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Jul 30, 2015
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Not sure if off-topic, but couldn't find a better place to post this; I have two houseplants that I really want to keep with me on the road. Mostly this doesn't seem like a problem, but then I thought about border crossings. I plan to take my van down to Mexico and up to Canada. Can anyone speak to the legalities of bringing vegetation across international borders? I'd hate to leave my plants behind, but I'd rather leave them with a trusted friend than have them confiscated by strangers. Thanks!
I think it would depend on what they are. can you give us the types. highdesertranger
One is a Jade plant, the other is either a Pothos or something similar. I'm not really sure; I've had it for over ten years
Just going in or out of California, and I think Arizona, you could get inspected for plants and produce. Most of the time they will just ask you if you have anything and then let you go by. But you never know when they are gonna want to check for themselves.
going out of kalifornia isn't the problem it's coming in. I have had some wild questions. like,
inspector, "do you have any firewood"
me, "no, why would I have firewood?"
inspector, "it's obvious your camping for a camp fire"
me, "we are under an extreme burn ban all open fires are banned, so why would I have fire wood?"
inspector, "proceed".
another time they almost made me unload my quad so they could inspect it for weeds. luckily the supervisor(I guess) came out took the inspector to the side, she came back and told me to proceed. at other times they have taken oranges and cherries from me. the oranges came from CA and I never left the state, they didn't care. highdesertranger
California border inspections are weird, but I'm no stranger to them. Just ten days ago I went in & they asked about fresh fruit. I was eating grapes as we talked. The guy said that was fine, they were mostly concerned with citrus. I said I had no citrus, and he waved me on.
FL agricultural inspections same way. They stop all vans trucks and trailers. Mostly looking for citrus.
We had a Christmas cactus in our RV for years. The pot was held onto our table with industrial strength velcro and we never took it outside. We traveled into Canada numerous times but never to Mexico. I don't remember any questions about plants at the border crossings but one time when a guard came into the RV for an inspection ( this happens occasionally - it's not an every time thing ) she asked about the plant - whether it was a house plant, how long we had it, etc. She hesitated over whether she would have to confiscate it but did allow us to keep it.

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