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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2017
Reaction score
Arlington, Texas
I was just now reading a thread where a moderator asked the author to first explain who they are in the Newcomer's Corner before posting and asking questions elsewhere.  Assuming this advice also apply to me, I checked the Corner and discovered I have never posted as a "Newcomer" at all!  So here goes:

Before I had my real van, I made a YouTube video with Bob Wells titled"
Get Ready For Van Life!   How You Can Set Up a "Van" in Your Bedroom!!
That video tells you more about me than I would be able to explain here.

Currently, I'm living in my REAL van, but am still hanging around Arlington, Texas to help my old housemate get established in her new, smaller apartment without me.  She is handicapped, which makes it very important that I stay and help her adjust.  When she has things figured out well enough to be able to live two solid weeks without needing to call me back, then I'll be heading out of Texas for good, never to return!  Texas is flat, hot, and dry. By contrast, what I love is cool mountains and rain forests. So now I'm full of excited enthusiasm for the joyous days to come!

But my biggest question is how to find other van dwellers who are focused on living by the principals of LOA (Law Of Attraction) as taught by Rhonda Byron's book THE SECRET, by Bob Proctor in his many YouTube videos, and by others.  

Anyone having advice for me about making LOA-enriched VanLife connections, please let me know!  You can reach me at
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you. And this is our standard greeting to a new comber. :)
So, being attracted to other like-minded folks is something that needs to be taught? Hmmm...
Oh my goodness!  Was I really that unclear in what I attempted to say?  Well, to give you a serious answer, I don't think attraction to like-minded people is something to be taught.  For example, a newborn baby, hungry for milk, doesn't need to be taught the need will be satisfied by someone "like-minded" enough to be providing milk to him/her.

That best example of what I did  mean might be my housemate.  I started our relationship believing I could teach her about the Law of Attraction, and how to use it on a spiritual level to bring wonderful things into our lives together. For having someone "like-minded" about using the LOA makes the process so much more powerful and blissful.

I thought achieving this "like-mindedness" would be easy, because she had no religion to make her think "it's of the devil", etc.  She grew up in the back jungles of Vietnam, with NO education, NO electricity or phones or even newspaper, NO roads to travel on, etc.  She was a true "Jungle Girl", the same as you might have found in the woods 10,000 years ago.

But to my astonishment, she rigidly believes the universe consists only of physics and biology. To her, there is no spiritual side of things, nothing magical or metaphysical to make such a thing as "The Law of Attraction" possible.  So for 26 years now, she has only been irritated with my endless trying and trying to show her another side to life, teach her, wanting her to get "like-minded" with me in the experience.  But I've accepted that the "like-mindedness" I've been seeking cannot be taught, at least not to her.

That's why I'll be leaving in my van, and seeking those who are already of "like mind" with where I'm at mentally.
Well, it can take a while to get to really know someone. Let's hope you don't have to spend 26 years on the next person.

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