My First Month as a Nomad...

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2016
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Oregon Coast
Hi Everyone!  I am currently at a public library in Portland.  Thank goodness for the wifi and internet access I can get at here!  I launched on April 3th so yesterday was my month anniversary.  I have had many challenges and many learning curves.  I think it's like college--You can study and plan but until you really get out here...that's when you learn.  I cried my first 3 days due to frustration and not being as prepared as I would liked to have been.  But once I started living in my space it became really clear what I needed and where to put things and it just got easier.  It's a work in progress! 

My first week I:

-got food poisoning from drinking bad orange juice.  (have to make sure to stay on top of the ice in my cooler!)

-found out my little Chihuahua gets carsick---but she is getting her van legs now and is able to go with the flow now!

-had some guy trying my door handles in the in the middle of the night while stealth parking in Portland.  You know, it didn't even freak me out for long.  He tried them and then went on to the next vehicle.  I knew I was in a safe place and just went back to sleep (when my heart quit pounding!)  lol  :D

-weathered a storm in Warrenton, Oregon with cyclone strength winds and rain!  (I'm from the coast so this was really a piece of cake for me.) The gusts freaked my dogs out.   :(

My biggest challenge is having power and wifi and not running out of data, (which I did in two weeks) but it's coming together!  This is really important since I have a home based biz that I now am trying to do on the road.  Am getting a power pack so that will help a lot!!!

Seriously, it hasn't been smooth but it has been wonderful.  Sooooooo glad I did this.  Hope you all are doing well!  I am planning to attend the Oregon get together in Tillamook in June.  Hope to meet some of you there!  Who's gonna go?  

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Gigi, Ming and Yoyo (my pups!)
Hey Gigi, glad things are falling into place. A year from now you'll probably look back and think, well that was easy.
Wow that's a trying first month! Here's hoping it gets better from here.
ain't nobody gonna get it right the first time, sounds like you got this now though
Hi Gigi, you brought tears to my eyes with this part of your post, "I cried my first 3 days due to..." But then they cleared up after I read that, "had some guy trying my door handles in the in the middle of the night while stealth parking in Portland. You know, it didn't even freak me out..." Good on you! Seems like your user name is chickish,(means I think you're a chick), and it was pretty brave of you to not freak out. I would have freaked and sent(my)what's her face out to check, because, you know, sounds dangerous! :cool: Stay strong AND safe!
Continued good travels. It's good to read you didn't let the bad get you down.

p.s. I dig the JRR Tolkien quote in your signature
Awesome!! Hang in there its been a tough pill for me to swallow too, but I honestly haven't had a bad day out on the road yet hope you experience the same. Take care!!

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