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Ummmmmm, no you can't.......we pay zero rent here. My wife is assistant manager at the park. My mom owned a house in puerto popotla for 20+ years. It's not as cheap as you think.
<EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Glad things worked out for you guys, though after reading&nbsp;your post I wondered if anyone went&nbsp;over the engine and drivetrain first to make sure it was sound. You can usually tell if an engine is going to grenade long before six miles.</SPAN></STRONG></EM><BR><EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Just wondering ! Geoff</SPAN></STRONG></EM>
A lot of us can totally sympathize with you on this. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt(wrong size)! Mine was a huge vintage RV. It was love. Sunk bucks in it. Loaded it up with all my stuff to move to another state, a new beginning. Got an hour out, crapped out, at night, on the side of a curvy mountain highway. Got it towed(ouch) next day. Another night in a motel. Next day, they say you're good to go. I got 5 miles. Engine was toast. I decided to walk as well. Sold it to the garage for $500, which covered the 2 tows. That was about 7 yrs ago! Wow. Time flies.&nbsp;<br>It's hard to let go when you have a bunch of your time, money and affection in something. But it all happens for a reason. That put me on a different course, a better one.<br>Glad things are turned around for you as well.
Wow, sorry to hear for sure.<br><br>This makes me worried about mine. I have at least $6000 in mine and the only thing (almost) that isn't new is the engine. Sure, a Chrysler 360 wouldn't cost $3000 for a good used one.. but still. Might be $2000 at least with labor. I could buy another complete old Dodge motorhome for that and swap over the tires, solar panels, certain other new parts I have on this one.<br><br>I do keep full coverage insurance on it so at least I'll get SOMETHING out of money wise would I get in a wreck or it catches fire.<br><br>If I had it to do over again, I'd have kept my F150 and got a mid-sized travel trailer.<br><br><br>
Well thats a kick in the sack, been there done that, is an under statement. I'am still
Messing with mine its been a money pit but I'am progressing. Baby steps,