More New Mexico Gold

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So far looks like I will make it.I'll be coming from Albuquerque in a gold Windstar minivan. Should I be delayed How would I reach you when I get down there? I'm planning on staying in the van so are the roads out to the claim good to drive? Look forward to meeting!
We did some panning at Percha Creek in Hillsboro today.  Need to weigh it, but got 8 nice nuggets. 


We will be at the Lakeview RV park around 930 on Monday morning, probably for about an hour and a half.  If we aren't at the little building in the left back of the park, ask Jim in the store how to get to the claim.

Cell phones don't work well at the claim, and you'll need to walk a couple hundred yards downhill.  I wouldn't drive a minivan all the way down, just because of the thorny bushes. 

Can't wait to see ya!!



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We are sitting at the Dennys in TorC. How many Ibuprofen can you take at one time? LOL. My next hobby will not include shovels!!!

O wow Truth or Consequences is my favorite little town in New Mexico!! Maybe soothe yourself in the hot springs?! Peace to you!
I like Riverbend Hot Springs, but my buddy usually rents a room at the Pelican for a night. I get the Sierra tub at Riverbend, just after dark, and watch the mule deer and coyotes come drink. Of course, I can barely walk after a good soak, but I'm much better the next day.I've got a pic of a double rainbow from Saturday here in TorC, will try to post it.

O how nice! I would love to see it! I know just the places you are talking about! Happy Day!!
Rare rain in TorC produced a rainbow...


Sometimes things just turn out right  :)



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    549.4 KB that is worth more than a pot of gold! I love it!! Thanks for sharing!! Peace!
Hi Bama Duke
Seeing what You found by the highway reminds Us of our trip to Az in 2009 .
We were at the Starbucks on Montuzuma St. and an " Old Prospector w/ 45's and Rabbits Feet on his belt " that we started talking too , asked if we had found gold yet ?
He took us across the street to the town park , took my wife down to the small creek , and pulled up a few small flakes with his snuffer bottle . She was hooked .

While looking on Bing to see where we were , I see that across from the Walmart we camped at , and behind the new Costco , there is now a public gold panning area " "

We had wanted to visit the T or C area and there hot springs on our way back East , but ended up camping at and exploring Rock Hound State Park instead .

Hopefully , We will be able to make it back out there next winter (depending on my 93 & 96 yr. old parents ) and take You up on your very generous offer

After 3 days, we have 0.87 oz. Not too shabby. Interestingly, most of it is very large pieces, several at 2 grams. We usually don't get this many big pieces. I will take a pic at the end of the week.

GramaKittyCat arrived today. We let her observe, but tomorrow we'll see how she handles a shovel :)

cdiggy said:
I know! I am so jealous :)

It's on the list for next winter...but the list keeps getting longer and longer. I'll have to have many, many winters to accomplish it all...sigh!
You know the saying: everything comes to he who waits so longs as he who waits works like hell while he waits...
good job bama. yes we need pics. I am glad grammakittycat made it, there is going to be a new one with the fever. highdesertranger
This is what 1.625 oz looks like in a pan with a quarter:


Not bad for a bunch of geezers  :)

We'll be heading home tomorrow.  I should sell the gold and buy stock in whoever makes Ibuprofen.



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BamaDuke said:
This is what 1.625 oz looks like in a pan with a quarter:

Not bad for a bunch of geezers  :)

We'll be heading home tomorrow.  I should sell the gold and buy stock in whoever makes Ibuprofen.

