More New Mexico Gold

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The detectors made specifically for gold are better than the more generic ones.  The specific ones use higher frequencies, and are able to find smaller targets.  There is much trash in the area, and we've found boot tacks, square nails, barrel staves, and all manner of other useless debris.  It is fun looking, though  :)

We dig into the creekbed, about 4 feet to bedrock, and collect the bottom 6 inches of dirt.  We run that through the wash plant.  We get an ounce or more each trip, with a few nuggets of 4 or 6 grams.  We've had several 2 oz trips.  We are all old, so this represents about 3 days of hard diggin'.  If I got fired tomorrow, I would head out there and try my hand at full time.  But as long as my engineering degree allows me to sit on my butt and make good money, I will keep this in backup.

Our claim has some good ground, and we have found several places with relatively thin overburden.  There are places where the creek concentrates the gold, and we try to find the ones most easily accessed.  Not that we are lazy.  We just have expended nearly all of our shovel credits.  There are a lot of thorns on the claim, and the road in isn't for the faint of heart.  We have left the Sprinter near the highway and walked down, when the pickup was out of commission.  It's not a long walk, but it is a bit rough.

Everyone is welcome, and if some are less able to wield a shovel, we will figure out something.  Everyone, at some point in their life, should see a bit of gold gleaming at them from the bottom of a pan. 

Jim and Bev own the Lakeview RV Park, and are good people.  The showers and bathrooms are clean, and the laundry is well maintained.  You can come in and buy just a shower if you like. Their prices are good, and the Arrey Café just south of the park is mighty fine grub.  There are two state parks nearby, and plenty of BLM land for boondocking. There is a WallyWorld in TorC, as well as a couple of good hardware stores and auto parts stores. I always spend way too much money shopping in TorC, too.  There is a Forest Service office there too, and the rangers are pretty helpful.  We usually see a significant number of Border Patrol vehicles, and a few of them have stopped and asked what we were doing.  We can't get any of them to handle a shovel, though.  When I retire, I will very likely spend much time there, even if I can't work the claim.

Drop me a note on this thread, or a PM if you like.  Ask any questions here, and I will try to answer as soon as I can.  I will post a few more pictures if I can.

Hope to see all of ya'll there in March!!



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Bama , you answered my question, so when I go, I will use my Whites 6000DI.
I owned it for over 25 yrs. and never used it for gold prospecting. It's also an excellent detector for coins. It will identify what coin you're running it over. You usually find gold rings in the pull tab area. So if you're in a city park (to much trash) won't have much luck. With a very small loop you might. You'll get a loud signal on anything that has silver in it. This metal heading for 30 yrs. old and I probably could get $150 for it.
I know I saw a post somewhere about how to meet up for prospecting gold but can't find it again.
There is a club for prospecting, called the Gold Prospectors Association of America, or GPAA. They have bought claims all over the West, and it's a pretty cheap way to get access to many good claims. There are two GPAA claims near Hillsboro. Our claim is just west of both of theirs.

I was a member for a few years, but bought my own claim. Then they bought the two claims near me. I have seen pretty nice gold come out of both of the GPAA claims. Not as big as what we get, but we don't know if anyone there uses our techniques for looking.

The guy from MN was using a Whites. An old one, and he had many, many years of experience with it.

gojo said:
When I state mineral setting, referring to black sand.

I been a Whites man most of my metal detecting years. The first detector I bot was back in 1973. It was a Whites Goldmaster 66 TR. Talking about heavy, it made the 6000DI feel like a feather. It wasn't all that heavy,  after several hours of detecting, you would have a sore arm. This detector had only one setting (TR). The 6000DI, has that setting plus more. I bot a new whites a few years ago, which is alright. The bad part is my wife stole the 6000DI from me, thats all she'll use. I think the reason she likes it because it's a simple to use detector. The only complicated thing is you have to adjust it to the mineral in the ground. The TR setting don't need adjusting.
I sold the 66TR for $30 at a yard sale. Believe it or not, they still sell em. This is on Ebay.....
On ebay , they state the 66tr dates back in the 50s. Not true, they were made in the early 70s.
What a fun thread to read for me! I am planning on metal detecting to be one of hobbies. I am thinking of mainly for "gold", but hopefully my choice in detectors works for general detecting also.

I think I have decided on the Gold Bug 2 as my expensive detector. Thoughts? Wanted a detector under 1k and that could do both gold and meteorites.

If you know/have any real useful reading/links for a complete new in both general metal detecting and gold detecting, I would appreciate hearing about them. Also, the getting together and gold hunting together sounds great!
The Gold Bug 2 is a fine detector. I have the old Garret Scorpion and a Fisher Gold Strike. I believe that any of the detectors, above the $99 Wally World units, would be adequate for all but the most strenuous use.

The only issue is practice. If I had it to do over again, I would not have two. Like the old saying, "a man with two watches never knows the correct time", a man with two high dollar metal detectors can never remember the correct settings and adjustments for the one in his hands. LOL

Practice, Practice, Practice. In a yard, or a parking lot, at the beach, anywhere you can, Practice. Drop coins, wire, nails, pull tabs, aluminum cans, bullets, (or better yet, get someone else to) and listen. Hear the sounds of the detector, and learn to "read" what's under the coil. Detectoring is a great hobby, and pretty good exercise.

I think any of them will find meteorites. I found a big one, the detector went crazy two feet from the rock. Carry a magnet. If a "hot rock" shows up with the detector, try the magnet. If the magnet sticks, odds are pretty good you have a space rock.

Nice practical info. Reading that you found a meteorite is freaking awesome! I would love to be able to send my kid an honest to god meteorite. That and some real gold that I AM GOING to Good stuff, thnx Bama!
gojo said:
When I state mineral setting, referring to black sand.
I think any metal detector that has a mineral setting, black sand on finding gold , will find meteorites. I watched some movies where these gold prospectors would metal detect in the valleys of ancient rivers in the desert. They would look for black sand with their detectors. Then they would shovel it into 5 gal. buckets and dry pan it, with luck. I can't speak no more because, I never panned for gold. I do have the equipment, but never used it.
I recommend a whites 6000 DI, for those who never metal detect. I been thinking about buying an old broken down 6000DI on ebay  and getting it repaired. I can't get my other one away from my wife, so I need to get another one. I heard, that this place is pretty good on repairing detectors.

I think the Fisher 1280X is the best under water detector. I found many gold class rings with this guy. A friend of mine has the same detector and he found a 1 carrot English cut diamond. engagement ring. We usually go in old swimming holes about shoulder deep with a long handle scoop. I bot the 1280X in 1996 and they still make it today..... 
gojo why not just send it to whites, they are in Sweet Home Oregon. they have excellent customer service and on site repair services. I have a gmt. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
gojo why not just send it to whites,  they are in Sweet Home Oregon.  they have excellent customer service and on site repair services.   I have a gmt.  highdesertranger

I second that. White's has great customer service! They take care of their older, discontinued models for as long as they can.

I use a Whites DFX.
Couple more pics.  One of a pan from the bridge over Percha Creek in Hillsboro.  Remember, they had just had a pretty good flood.  The second is the sluice from a few buckets off the claim.KIMG0050.JPG

Hope they're in the right order.

Hope all who are close can come by.  It is an addictive pastime, though :D

Bama Duke 


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dang bama nice chunky pieces in that pan. good job . I really have to get out there and hook up with you one time. highdesertranger
gojo said:
When I state mineral setting, referring to black sand.

I don't think I'll be able to go, I live on a small hobby farm and I can find anybody to feed my animals for a week, at the last minute.  Ain't that hell!
Hello ! What is the status of the trip? Where would be a good place to meet up? Where can a person pan in the Hillsboro area that wouldn't be trespassing on someone elses claim? Sorry so many questions but I've never gone gold panning... :blush:
Now something like this is my idea of one of the fun things to do while traveling. :) I keep missing out on going with a group of people from around here to the diamond mines in arkansas, or ruby mines that I forget where are. Last time I went out I went to Hiddenite, NC but only came away with a little chip of hiddenite and a few other kinds of rocks. It was a great day and my clothes and shoes from that day will forever be stained by the red clay they have down there! LOL

If I didn't have other things going on I'd be sorely tempted just to drive down in my car and participate this month.
We're still on for the 22nd arrival at Lakeview RV Park.  It is at the intersection of I-25 and Hwy 152, the Hillsboro turn-off.  We will be at the park around 10:30 or 11 that Sunday morning, and staying until Friday morning.  We will be staying at the Ace Motel in Truth or Consequences, about 20 miles north.  The hotel is $185 a week.  If anyone is planning on attending in an RV or van, the RV park has excellent showers and hookups. 


This was one of our trips, about half an ounce, surrounding a dime. 

We hope everyone is able to join us!!



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I am jealous wish I could be there. good luck to all who go, and may your pans be golden. highdesertranger
I'll be hittin' the road in a few hours, and plan to be at the Lakeview RV Park in Caballo, NM on Sunday morning, around 10. Hope to see some of ya'll out there!!
