Mini Fridge VS. Igloo Cooler

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I will use my fridge some simply because it's already there and is a 3 way. I will mostly use it on 120v electric though when at RV parks. When it's not in use, it can be used for dry food storage so long as I dry it out good first and wipe it down.
I did the no cooler thing while camping for nearly 3 years when overseas<br>I did the cooler and block ice thing for 6 years after my return. &nbsp;<br><br>&nbsp;The price of block ice every 4 to 5 days and the gas to go get it, my 12 volt compressor fridge paid for itself in a year.<br><br>Never dealing with cooler water again......Priceless<br><br>And Solar might be the single best thing I added to my Van.<br><br>3 way/ propane fridges have their issues, like inability to keep safe temperatures in extreme heat(many, not all models), very slow cool down periods, &nbsp;ridiculously high amp draw on 12 volts, and can be damaged by operation off level. &nbsp;Also the legality of operating one when refueling or going through tunnels, and the dedicated ventilation &nbsp;required for the combustion gasses, and those giveaway camper van vents cut into the side of the body. &nbsp; Modern absorption fridges also consume a fair amount of 12 volt battery power too, to run the circuit boards, and cannot run at all with a dead battery.<br><br>And also, nearly every motor home/ trailer fire out there is caused by a 3 way fridge. Type absorption fridge dometic norcold recall into google.<br><br>And never having pack up camp to go refill a propane tank while food starts growing bacteria.......... Priceless.<br><br>Biggest Downsides to a 12 volt compressor fridge: &nbsp;The Norcolds and Engels are loud and vibrate enough to be sold in sex shops. &nbsp;The Danfoss compressors are much better but still not silent. &nbsp;Still quieter than most household fridges though.<br>Battery power. &nbsp;They will consume 25 amp hours a day in average use. &nbsp;If you don't drive enough to &nbsp;return 25 amp hour into the battery, or don't have solar, you are limited.<br><br>The compressors and condensers still need adequate ventilation, and just stuffed into a cabinet with a few tiny holes will greatly increase battery consumption.<br><br>I'll Bring a small cooler if I have guests, but I can also make ice for it. &nbsp;Right now my Gallon of milk is still slushy because I forgot to turn my fridge down after the sun went down yesterday, and Out of 7 hatch marks on the dial, I turned it just past 3, where normal is just under 2 to hold sub 36F. &nbsp;It was 22f in there this morning, and with my tv going half the night and my mattress heating pad going on low all night, my batteries were full and floating by 12:30 while powering my laptop and stereo.<br><br><br>I love my compressor fridge and I love having solar
My Waeco compressor fridge is set to max cooling and the fridge section is juuust around freezing. Been out for a few days now and the meat nearest to the door is kinda thawing (ready for COOKING!) while everything else is frozen.. yet the beer in the door shelves is still liquid and icy cold. All i gotta do to keep all the meat frozen is to cycle it through the freezer section every so often. I modified the fan setup for the&nbsp;condenser coils and added a whack of insulation around it. Only turns on once or twice an hour for a few minutes. All solar powered and blissfully trouble-free. ..Willy.&nbsp;
Sounds good Willy. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br> How many panels and batteries do you have? What's your solar system rated at power wise? <br>-Bruce
So, going back to the original question, it seems the answer depends on where a vandweller will be spending most of her/his time. If you're going to be out in the boonies and want to avoid trips for ice and food, then a fridge makes perfect sense. And the solar to run it wouldn't affect one's stealth. But if you're doing most of your boondocking in urban or suburban areas with easy access to ice and food, then a cooler can work just fine.
&nbsp;I'm running 2 panels, a 64W Unisolar (amorphous) and a 120W polycrystalline. Got a dual battery PWM charge controller charging 2 separate battery banks; 1 for the fridge (100AH) and the other for light's, furnace, stereo 'n such (200AH). It's 'adequate' for the winter up here and waaaayyyyyyy more than enough in the summer time. I've also got a solid-state (Surepower) battery isolator that allows me to charge the 'house' battery when the engine is running. ..Willy.
Thanks Willy. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> So a 200 watt system should do it easily then?&nbsp; <br>I'm currently looking at two systems, both mono-crystalline and from the same maker/vendor. <br>One is 100 watt and the other is 200 watt. These systems do not include batteries, so I have to keep them in mind for total pricing.&nbsp; I'm still trying to decide between the fridge and the cooler. <br>I guess money is the biggest factor in this decision.&nbsp; <br>The 100 watt system is $219, and will probably carry everything I need sans the fridge, while the 200 watt system is just under $400. <br>I admit the fridge would sure be nice, but adds another $550 or so to the total of the 200 watt system, so I'm looking at about $1000, and still not including the batteries. The system for the cooler would be less than half that. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br>-Bruce
^^ Excellent info in that link MrNoodly. ^^ <br>-Bruce
Well I disagree on the eggs and milk.&nbsp; Eggs in the frig are good way past that time.&nbsp; Just check them if it's over a month in a cup of water.&nbsp; If they float, then they're decomposing producing gas which makes them float.&nbsp; Throw away.<br><br>Skim milk is more stable than whole milk and will last easily a week or more past the experation date.&nbsp; And is better for you and tastes better.<br><br>Vegi's just depends on storage.&nbsp; If it's turning yellow and limp, then toss.<br><br>Mayo;&nbsp; I have mayo older than their max date and is still good.&nbsp; I remember buying some mayo in mexico 30 years ago that was based on limejuice and you could keep it without refrigeration.&nbsp; We got a small bottle and didn't have to test the time too much.<br><br>So how do you tell when sour creme is bad?&nbsp;<img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"> Seems like an oximoron to me.&nbsp; I always have sour creme in the frig&nbsp;past the due date that's still good.
&nbsp;Skim milk.. if I wanna drink water I'll just open a tap. 100W will probably do ya.. especially with spring/summer around the corner. Check out Craigslist 'n such and you might find a used 12v compressor fridge/cooler. I've found 2 already, with my Waeco fridge (used) costing me a bit over $200. Also check out auto wreckers. I've seen more than a few camper vans at the wreckers over the years which sported 12v fridges. Later on, you can upgrade your solar.<br><br>&nbsp;Speaking of solar, I'd like to mention that IMHO, it's better to have smaller panels to make up your wattage than 1 big one. ..Willy.

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