Men - How to get those last drops of pee out.

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Hmmm In Russia it is hard to go when it is minus 35 Metric/American same damn thing. Ladies think of this as close to the embarassment factor of the baby cry nipple pucker and leak at a mixed social gathering. You have just climbed out of a warmish rig and you got the gear out to go. The foreman, overseeing the operation, has determined a location based on previous output volumes. The boys, that do the heavy lifting, wobble and call a safety meeting in the upstairs coffee room. This causes an unexpected spike in initial pressure and disturbs the foreman. He now has to compensate and adjust the target location on the fly and then the volume and pressure drop to near zero. The dreaded testicluar dribble, or less embarrassing pant splash shoe dampening collateral damage.

Cupping won't work as your hands are now too cold to effectively close your zipper and all you can do is retract the equipment and head for warmth, in shame. The following Union/Management meeting yields little results, as the shop steward is a dick, the workers have a mind of their own, and it is overseen by an *******. The system is rendered prostrate.

So to eliminate this frustrating challenge I came up with the "Russian Julie Andrews." You run outside, having already positioned your warm boxer between the workers and management. Open the delivery zip and toss the supervisor into the wind. Then a rapid spinning maneuver is introduced and bolstered by centrifugal force you Spirograpgh Russian snow.

To answer, and return to serious man issue discussions, the OP question. No women lack a prostate gland so pushing on the gouch taint gonna have any effect. Although all those nerve bunches, that surround the male gland are still present in ladies... But that is not a G rated story about the G.....
Was surprised to see the thread yesterday when it first appeared; ... now AMAZED it has gone to about 3 full pages (so far). Proof as a group we just ain't right .....
Thirsty Boots Nomad said:
Was surprised to see the thread yesterday when it first appeared; ... now AMAZED it has gone to about 3 full pages (so far).  Proof as a group we just ain't right .....

Yeah, I'm waiting for the next shoe to drop....

Number twosies and what do about problems there.

Oh Lord.

Thirsty Boots Nomad said:
... Proof as a group we just ain't right .....

 Boys will be Boys.

IGBT said:
(We were anchored in a small cove on a Friday night and there were 30 boats anchored around us in the same cove so peeing over the side would probably have been frowned on)

"Me?  I'm trawling!"
OK, this deteriorated from a chuckle at TMG51 to almost falling off my chair.
Scientifically speaking, negative pressure always works best. Also known, in slang, as suction.
Minivanmotoman said:
Scientifically speaking, negative pressure always works best. Also known, in slang, as suction.

Since the thread is about the last drops of pee; let me be the first to officially say, "eww"
tx2sturgis said:

And actually, I don't click or read that estrogen-infused stuff....but one day I accidentally clicked on one when I was new and didnt even realize it...and I  had left a reply and WHAM!!

Got knocked upside the noggin and wow...I will never do that again....

I figure the women's lair is not a place for me....I'd probably want to leave a reply or something and I like the bones in my skull pretty much the way they are!

Your post needs a change just one letter to be funny.

mod edit, the above video is Taylor Swift, Shake it Off.
Having several people interested on the topic.... maybe should have a course at the RTR .....
LOL !!!!!

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I'm putting this here because I'm obstinate, okay?  The mods will probably fight each other to be the one to remove it.

Guys have urinary problems.  Most of those problems come from prostate problems. 

One of the main sources of breast, uterine, ovarian, thyroid and PROSTATE problems comes from being iodine-deficient.  Iodine is required by every single cell in the body, but it is absolutely crucial for the thyroid gland, which intensely affects the prostate and the other body parts mentioned above.

Here is some published into:

Iodine : Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It (2009) by David Brownstein, MD --

The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life (2013)
by Lynne Farrow and David Brownstein MD:

The first one tells you how iodine deficiencies affect your body, and the second explains how and why iodine was removed from the American diet about 1970, and breast, uterine, ovarian, thyroid and PROSTATE cancer rates soared.

These are not the only books about iodine, just the ones I have read, so far.

And before you blow it off, consider that old men (like 80) who have been on supplemental iodine for a few years only have to get up once at night to pee.
^^^^ I agree. I eat a bit of Wakame dried seaweed everyday just for the iodine.

Frequent urination can also be a symptom of Type II diabetes.

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LWalker said:
Having several people interested on the topic.... maybe should have a course at the RTR  .....
LOL !!!!!

I shall lead this course. Selflessly. And with PBR in hand.
"No matter how you jiggle and dance,
The last few drops go down your pants."

Words of wisdom from my late father, may he rest in peace.
This is another example of what happens when one tries to create EVERYTHING in just a week.

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