Memoirs of The S.IX "Phoebe"

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Nov 13, 2017
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As mentioned in the introductory of 'Captain's Logs', we are all captains of our ships. This has become my most favorite quote (thanks cheapRVliving) and I take these words in with pride.

I have been fascinated with science-fiction subjects, whether it be books, television shows, video games, you name it -I am more likely already a huge fan of it. When I was younger I always imagined I would be living on a starship cruiser exploring unlimited galaxies and discovering different places and things. Well, reality didn't have a star-cruiser or visitation eligibility to other solar systems (yet...) However, reality did have a 2 1/2 door Saturn Coupe available for $1,000 and a woman with a wild imagination (which happened to be priceless).

So I bought the Saturn named the S.IX Phoebe (meaning Saturn 9 and Phoebe being one of many tiny satellite moons of the planet). We had it stripped and converted with comfort, simplicity and fuel efficiency in mind. It isn't the greatest build on the planet (lacking a sink, bathroom and a fireplace) but it has been the best home I've owned yet and could do thirty years with her.

So where have we set courses to so far? My best-friend and I have toured Ontario to London and returned for a taste of the Rockies in British Columbia. With the winter season coming up I still plan on continuing my time with the S.IX travelling all over Canada. So far the worst weather I've dealt with was -30 but the feather blankets keep me super warm without needing to run the engine. I have thought of getting a light-weight tear-drop trailer to pull behind (if I can find one cheap enough and under 600 lbs) to extend room inside the cabin but am very comfortable for the time being with my current build. I look forward to many more adventures with the S.IX and hope to meet many more fellow dwellers within the country.

"Commander" of the S.IX Phoebe