Maxx Air Fan in Express Van

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Jan 9, 2011
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The RV tech at Camping World had reservations about installing the Maxx Air fan/vent in my '96 Express Van because of the deep, wide ridges running the length of the roof.  He felt it would be difficult to seal adequately.  Has anyone encountered this issue?
The only problem with installing the fan is that you tried to have Campers' World do it... :rolleyes: :p 

Of course the roof has ridges in it. Most all of our vans have ridges - do any of them not have it? I think my 1961 Ford Van didn't but by Gen 2 they did.

It's simply a matter of building up the depressed area with butyl tape to bring it up to level with the rest of the roof.

The only caveats in installing a roof vent - don't put it over the bed area - not because of install leaks but sooner or later you'll have left it open in the rain. And 2 - don't cut out a rib to install the vent.

If you absolutely can not do it yourself - the toughest part is mental - cutting a whole in the roof is daunting, then you can either get an RV dealer to do it, a buddy with a jigsaw and guts  :D   or you can wait for the van build in October where volunteers can do it for you.

I planned out where mine was going to go, finished the roof all the way around it and put in a matching cover panel so it was pretty until I could get to someone who could do it for me.
Seven years ago, when it was time for me to install a vent fan on my Express, the advice here was the same as given above. But another forum member suggested 3M Window Weld (the stuff used to hold car windows in place) between the tape and the vent. I figured I couldn't have too many things sealing the roof, so that's what I did. I squeezed a bead of Window Weld about as thick as my thumb around the underside of the vent, which was more than enough to seal any gaps between the roof, tape and vent. It squeezed out around the edges and I used a piece of cardboard to spread it over the rest of the vent and mounting screws. Then I covered all that with self-leveling sealer — Dicor or C-10. I never had a leak. Every couple of years I apply more Dicor when it becomes scabby. However, someone here suggested 3M 4200 marine adhesive/sealer because of its superior UV resistance. I did that a couple of weeks ago and I'll see if it lasts longer.
Agreed, layers of butyl will handle the ridges just fine. Disagree about not wanting it over the bed - I've slept in some pretty nasty wind and rain 2 feet below my maxxfan and almost no water gets in. It's not like the fantastic fans with the big gaps. When it's hot you want that extra breeze on you.
Oh yes, Camping World produced serious sticker shock and the tech didn't seem to "get" vans right off.  (He's coming around... I think.)  I found an adapter on Ebay for newer Express vans, as well as some others.  I called the guy who makes them.  He will look into whether it will work on a pre-2003 van after looking at pics I'll send and checking GM's specs.  Really nice guy!

I'll let you know what I find out.

My installation may be complicated on the interior by a headliner, lighting and speaker wiring which makes me really shy away from trying it myself.

Good thing about the fan I'm looking at is it can be left open in the rain.
VanFan said:
...I found an adapter on Ebay for newer Express vans, as well as some others.

Looks like a cool product.
Impact makes and distributes some nice stuff...…..He has a lot of stuff for the Transit...…..CNC produced

……..I bought a huge roll of Thinsulate from him